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档案学研究  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (3): 108-116    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2022.03.014
  档案学   档案信息化 |档案研究学 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1 山东大学历史文化学院 济南 250100
2 中国人民大学电子文件管理研究中心 北京 100872
Study on Chain of Custody on Electronic Records and Electronic Evidence
XU Xiaotong1,2
1 School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250100
2 Electronic Records Management Research Center of Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
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关键词 电子文件电子证据证据保管链    

A comprehensive analysis is conducted of the chain of electronic records management and the process of electronic evidence application, and it is found that there are connections between the above-mentioned workflows, afterwards, the chain of custody on electronic records and electronic evidence is constructed. The chain of custody systematically reveals the transformation of processes and rule of movement from electronic records to electronic evidence. This chain contains four fixed stages: planning and preparation, creation and transaction, digital forensics, lawsuit settling, and four variable stages: filing management, custody and utilization, mediation, court using. On this basis, it further discusses the guiding significance of the chain to enhance the preservation of electronic records and records: enriching the connotation of front-end control, clarifying the filing solidification nodes, expanding the whole process management, attaching importance to the back-end driving ideas and strengthening the ability to preserve evidence.

Key wordselectronic records    electronic evidence    chain of custody
出版日期: 2023-06-23

许晓彤. 电子文件-电子证据保管链研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2022, 36(3): 108-116.
XU Xiaotong. Study on Chain of Custody on Electronic Records and Electronic Evidence. Archives Science Study, 2022, 36(3): 108-116.

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