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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 96-102    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.05.015
  境外学术研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
湖北大学历史文化学院 武汉 430062
The Impact of Trans-context Transplantation on Chinese Cognition of Records Continuum Theory — An Analysis Based on Archives Management History in China and Australia
LV Wenting
School of History and Culture,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062

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摘要: 文件连续体理论在中国发展至今,中国档案界对其的认知态度始终是模糊、矛盾的,且国内部分主流认知观点与理论原内涵存在差异。本文从理论跨语境移植的视角对这一现象的背后原因进行阐释性分析,认为行政/法律传统与历史/文化传统并存的澳大利亚档案管理史和偏重行政/法律传统的中国档案管理史的差异无形中成为文件连续体理论中国化的阻碍因素。若中国学者在理解文件连续体理论时忽视了语境差异,必将导致对理论内涵和应用范畴的认知受限。对西方理论的跨语境移植与引介研究,必须以充分认识西方语境和中西语境差异为前提。
Abstract:Since the introduction of Records Continuum Theory in China, the attitude of Chinese archival scholars to it has always been vague and contradictory, and there are differences between some domestic mainstream viewpoints and the original content of the theory. This paper analyses the reasons behind this phenomenon from the perspective of trans-contextual theoretical transplantation, and holds that the differences between Australian archives management history, where the administrative/legal tradition coexists with the historical/cultural tradition, and Chinese archives management history, which emphasizes the administrative/legal tradition, have imperceptibly become negative factors to the localization of Records Continuum Theory in China. If Chinese scholars ignore the contextual differences in understanding Records Continuum Theory, it will inevitably lead to cognitive limitations on both theoretical connotation and application areas. The research of trans-context transplantation and introduction of western theories must be based on a full understanding of the western context and the differences between Chinese and western contexts.
出版日期: 2021-10-22

吕文婷. 跨语境移植对文件连续体理论中国化认知的影响—基于中澳档案管理史的分析[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(5): 96-102.
LV Wenting. The Impact of Trans-context Transplantation on Chinese Cognition of Records Continuum Theory — An Analysis Based on Archives Management History in China and Australia. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(5): 96-102.

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