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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 103-109    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.05.016
  境外学术研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
马双双, 董秀月, 王文博
郑州大学信息管理学院 郑州 450001
Contents, Characteristics and Enlightenment of Educational Module Construction of National Archives Websites Abroad — Take Britain, America, France and Australia as Examples
MA Shuangshuang, DONG Xiuyue, WANG Wenbo
School of Information Management,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001

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摘要: 档案网站教育模块的开设不仅可以促进公众教育服务途径的多样化,还使档案馆的教育资源更加便捷地面向公众。本文以英美法澳四个国家档案馆网站教育模块为研究对象,运用网络调研法,分析国外国家档案馆网站教育模块的建设内容和特点,得出对国内的启示有:拓展国内档案网站的教育功能、明确档案网站教育模块的受众群体、深度整合档案馆藏教育资源、探索档案网站教育模块的多样化服务模式。
Abstract:The opening of the education column of the archives website not only promotes the diversification of public education services, but also makes the archives' educational resources available to the public more conveniently. The paper takes the education columns of four national archive websites in Britain, America, France and Australia as the research objects, and analyzes the construction content and characteristics of the educational columns of national archive websites in foreign countries by using the network survey method. Finally the authors put forward four enlightenments to our country: expand the educational function of domestic archive websites, clarify the audience group of the archive website education column, deeply integrate archive collection resources, and explore the service utilization pattern of archive website education column.
出版日期: 2021-10-22

马双双, 董秀月, 王文博. 国外国家档案馆网站教育模块建设内容、特点及启示—以英美法澳国家为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(5): 103-109.
MA Shuangshuang, DONG Xiuyue, WANG Wenbo. Contents, Characteristics and Enlightenment of Educational Module Construction of National Archives Websites Abroad — Take Britain, America, France and Australia as Examples. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(5): 103-109.

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