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档案学研究  2019, Vol. 33 Issue (6): 102-107    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2019.06.015
宋伟晾1, 黄晓红2, 虞慧3, 童庆4
1 上海民桥精密科学仪器有限公司 上海 200331
2 昆山市城建档案馆 江苏昆山 215337
3 上海陈慎任工业设计有限公司 上海 200122
4 南京江宁区档案馆 南京 211113
Experimental Verification of the New Archives Disinfection Cabin MQ-800W
Weiliang SONG1, Xiaohong HUANG2, Hui YU3, Qing TONG4
1 Shanghai Minqiao Precision Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200331
2 Kunshan City Construction Archives, Kunshan, Jiangsu 215337
3 Shanghai Chen Shenren Industrial Design Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200122
4 Nanjing Jiangning District Archives,Nanjing 211113



Low temperature plasma and ozone are widely used in air disinfection and purification, medical disinfection, food processing, water treatment, environmental resource protection, fruit and vegetable preservation, sterilization and deworming of agricultural greenhouse crops, granary mold and insect proof, etc. The use of ozone sterilization and poisoning has the characteristics of good effect, fast action, no secondary pollution after use, and no residue. Therefore, the equipment for ozone disinfection archives has been used by part of archives and libraries. At the same time, ozone, as a powerful oxidant, has long been suspected of possibility of paper archives damage when sterilized, causing fading of writing and printing inks, as well as damage to human body due to poor ozone leakage. In order to answer these questions, sufficient experimental verification must be carried out on the plasma ozone archives disinfection cabin. This paper records the whole experiment process in detail.

出版日期: 2019-12-10
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宋伟晾, 黄晓红, 虞慧, 童庆. 纸质档案消毒的新方法——新型档案消毒舱MQ-800W的实验验证[J]. 档案学研究, 2019, 33(6): 102-107.

Weiliang SONG, Xiaohong HUANG, Hui YU, Qing TONG. Experimental Verification of the New Archives Disinfection Cabin MQ-800W. Archives Science Study, 2019, 33(6): 102-107.


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