以眼刺激症状为例分析健康中国战略下档案工作者职业健康现状及影响因素 |
窦梅1,王骏2,宋晓彬3,秦清波4,高立波5,周杰6 |
1 青岛大学档案馆 青岛 266071 2 青岛市招生考试院 青岛 266071 3 青岛市第五十八中学 青岛 266000 4 青岛市档案馆 青岛 266000 5 滨州医学院附属医院 滨州 256603 6 滨州市档案馆 滨州 256000 |
Analysis of Occupational Health Status and Influencing Factors of Archivists Under the Healthy China Initiative: Taking Eye Irritation Symptoms as an Example |
DOU Mei1,WANG Jun2,SONG Xiaobin3,QIN Qingbo4,GAO Libo5,ZHOU Jie6 |
1 Qingdao University Archives, Qingdao 266071 2 Qingdao Admissions and Examination Institute, Qingdao 266071 3 Qingdao 58th Middle School, Qingdao 266000 4 Qingdao Archives, Qingdao 266000 5 Binzhou Medical University Hospital, Binzhou 256603 6 Binzhou Archives, Binzhou 256000 |
窦梅, 王骏, 宋晓彬, 秦清波, 高立波, 周杰. 以眼刺激症状为例分析健康中国战略下档案工作者职业健康现状及影响因素[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(6): 41-46.
DOU Mei, WANG Jun, SONG Xiaobin, QIN Qingbo, GAO Libo, ZHOU Jie. Analysis of Occupational Health Status and Influencing Factors of Archivists Under the Healthy China Initiative: Taking Eye Irritation Symptoms as an Example. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(6): 41-46.
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