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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (6): 41-46    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.06.006
  人力资源建设 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1 青岛大学档案馆 青岛 266071
2 青岛市招生考试院 青岛 266071
3 青岛市第五十八中学 青岛 266000
4 青岛市档案馆 青岛 266000
5 滨州医学院附属医院 滨州 256603
6 滨州市档案馆 滨州 256000
Analysis of Occupational Health Status and Influencing Factors of Archivists Under the Healthy China Initiative: Taking Eye Irritation Symptoms as an Example
DOU Mei1,WANG Jun2,SONG Xiaobin3,QIN Qingbo4,GAO Libo5,ZHOU Jie6
1 Qingdao University Archives, Qingdao 266071
2 Qingdao Admissions and Examination Institute, Qingdao 266071
3 Qingdao 58th Middle School, Qingdao 266000
4 Qingdao Archives, Qingdao 266000
5 Binzhou Medical University Hospital, Binzhou 256603
6 Binzhou Archives, Binzhou 256000
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关键词 档案工作者健康中国职业健康眼刺激危险因素保护因素    

Occupational health is an important construction part of Healthy China Initiative. Because of the particularity of the working environment, archivists may have many occupational health problems, so it is very necessary to understand the current situation and influencing factors of occupational health of archivists. This paper takes the eye irritation symptoms as an example. Questionnaires are distributed to archivists all over the country to collect data, and chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression are used to analyze the influencing factors of archivists' eye irritation symptoms. The results show that the prevalence of eye irritation symptoms among archivists is 41.3%. There are significant differences among archivists with eye irritation symptoms, such as the length of working years, the number of times of contacting paper archives, whether the working environment is humid, the ventilation mode and time of the warehouse, whether there is irritating chemical odor in the workplace, whether there is musty smell and pests, the length of working in front of the computer, and the number of times of using printers and copiers (P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis shows that the presence of harsh chemical odors in the workplace is the most associated with the risk of eye irritation symptoms. High frequency of contact with paper files, long time of computer use, and frequent use of printers and copiers are also risk factors of eye irritation. Protective factors include high education, warehouse power and natural ventilation, etc. There are many risk factors in the working environment that cause eye irritation symptoms of archivists, and these risk factors can also lead to other health problems for archivists. It is necessary for archives managers and frontline archivists to pay attention to and formulate targeted prevention and treatment strategies to protect the occupational health of archivists.

Key wordsarchivists    Healthy China    occupational health    eye irritation    risk factors    protective factors
出版日期: 2023-12-28

窦梅, 王骏, 宋晓彬, 秦清波, 高立波, 周杰. 以眼刺激症状为例分析健康中国战略下档案工作者职业健康现状及影响因素[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(6): 41-46.
DOU Mei, WANG Jun, SONG Xiaobin, QIN Qingbo, GAO Libo, ZHOU Jie. Analysis of Occupational Health Status and Influencing Factors of Archivists Under the Healthy China Initiative: Taking Eye Irritation Symptoms as an Example. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(6): 41-46.

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