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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (6): 33-40    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.06.005
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上海大学文化遗产与信息管理学院 上海 200444
Occupational Psychological Trauma: A New Challenge for Archivists
School of Cultural Heritage and Information Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444
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关键词 职业心理创伤档案工作者职业健康    

Occupational psychological trauma is a new challenge that archivists have encountered in recent years, posing a significant threat to their mental and physical well-being. Sensitive work content, righteous career orientation, silent industry culture, holographic recording method, and empathetic work philosophy are the main reasons for the professional psychological trauma of archivists. Measures such as raising the awareness of archival occupational mental health protection, building a resource system for archival occupational mental health protection, creating a people-oriented archival work model, and cultivating archival occupational mental health literacy can effectively alleviate the problem of occupational psychological trauma among archivists.

Key wordsoccupational psychological trauma    archivists    occupational health
出版日期: 2023-12-28

张衍, 韦昱杰. 职业心理创伤:档案工作者面临的新挑战[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(6): 33-40.
ZHANG Yan, WEI Yujie. Occupational Psychological Trauma: A New Challenge for Archivists. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(6): 33-40.

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