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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (6): 64-71    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.06.010
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安徽大学法学院 合肥 230601
Remember or Forget: How does the Archival Undertaking Respond to the Right to be Forgotten?
YU Haozhe
School of Law,Anhui University,Hefei 230601

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摘要: 现代信息技术的应用促进档案信息化建设快速发展,档案所固有的社会记忆功能得以充分发挥,并推动了社会记忆的数字化进程,从而不可避免地与被遗忘权产生冲突。起源和发展于欧陆地区的被遗忘权,旨在擦除过时、失真的个人信息,用以回应数字化记忆带来的遗忘难题,但鉴于被遗忘权对档案事业的潜在影响,该项权利的推展受到了欧洲档案界的冷遇。从中国实际出发,我国引入被遗忘权具有现实可能性,而调和档案事业与被遗忘权之间的张力,需要运用利益衡量的方法,并根据衡量结果将档案事业区分为保管和利用两个层次,档案保管应超然于被遗忘权的行使,档案利用可以有限制地适用被遗忘权,从而就档案信息所关联的社会历史进行智慧记忆和遗忘。
Abstract:The application of modern information technology promotes the rapid development of archives informatization, gives full play to the inherent social memory function of archives, and promotes the digitalization process of social memory, which inevitably conflicts with the right to be forgotten. Originated and developed in Europe, the right to be forgotten aims to erase the "inadequate, irrelevant and excessive" personal data in response to the forgetting problem brought by digital memory. However, in view of the potential influence of the right to be forgotten on archival undertaking, the promotion of this right has received a cold reception from the European archival circles. According to China's reality, it is possible to introduce the right to be forgotten into China. To resolve the conflict between archival undertaking and the right to be forgotten, it is necessary to adhere to the interest balance. By using the interest balance method based on information lifecycle, archival undertaking can be divided into two levels: preservation and utilization. Archives preservation should be detached from the exercise of the right to be forgotten, and archives utilization can apply the right to be forgotten in a limited way, thus intelligently remembering and forgetting the social history associated with archival information.
出版日期: 2021-12-16

余昊哲. 记忆或是遗忘:档案事业如何应对被遗忘权的挑战?[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(6): 64-71.
YU Haozhe. Remember or Forget: How does the Archival Undertaking Respond to the Right to be Forgotten?. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(6): 64-71.

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