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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (6): 143-148    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.06.021
  档案史料研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872
Textual Research on the Origin and Evolution of the Special Collection Places of Imperial Edict Documents by Local Government and Folk in Ancient China—A Study of the Imperial Edict Rooms
YANG Guang
School of Information Resource Management,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872

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摘要: 诏敕文书专藏之室是我国古代官方和民间档案保管场所的重要组成部分。本文通过“E考据”的方法,在搜剔爬梳古今文献的基础上,以敕体的源流演变为主线,结合特定的时代背景,考证了以“敕书”名室者在古代的存续脉络。敕书之室滥觞于唐代,是散见于内地县治和边疆寺宇的个别现象。至北宋时,宋初的建法立制改革推动了编敕制度的兴起,敕书库和敕书楼相继上升为一种普遍的地方官署档案保管场所,为地方性的专门编敕服务。南宋时,官府内部的机构改革使得敕书楼逐渐被架阁库所取代,敕书楼由官方转向民间。至明清时,敕体不再是法规形式,敕书之室的建筑主体由北宋单一的地方政府演化为官方和民间并存并逐渐以民间为主的结构。由于明代饥岁灾荒频繁而实行劝分政策和旌表制度,导致因赐敕旌义而特建楼、阁专藏的现象尤为频繁。
Abstract:The special collection room of imperial edict documents is an important part of ancient official archives and ancient folk archives retention places. Through the method of e-textual research, on the basis of searching and combing ancient and modern literature, taking the origin and evolution of the imperial edict as the main line, combining with the specific era background, this paper makes a textual research on the existence of the rooms named after "imperial edict". The imperial edicts rooms originated in the Tang Dynasty, which was an individual phenomenon scattered in interior governments and frontier temples. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the reform of the establishment of laws and regulations in the early Song Dynasty promoted the rise of the system of compiling imperial edicts. Imperial edict cabinet and imperial edict tower became a kind of common archives retention institution of local government offices, which were dedicated to the local special compiling imperial edicts. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the internal institutional reform of the government made imperial edict tower gradually replaced by Rack cabinet repository, and imperial edict tower changed from official to folk. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the imperial edict was no longer the form of laws and regulations. The main building body of the imperial edict rooms evolved from a single local government in the Northern Song Dynasty to a structure in which both the official and the folk coexisted, and gradually dominated by the folk. Because of the frequent famine,the policy of persuading donations and the system of recognition were implemented in Ming Dynasty, which led to the frequent phenomenon of building towers and cabinets specially for the purpose of special collection.
出版日期: 2021-12-16

杨光. 中国古代地方官府与民间诏敕文书专藏场所源流演变考述—以敕书之室为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(6): 143-148.
YANG Guang. Textual Research on the Origin and Evolution of the Special Collection Places of Imperial Edict Documents by Local Government and Folk in Ancient China—A Study of the Imperial Edict Rooms. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(6): 143-148.

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