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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (3): 4-8    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.03.001
  基础理论研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神 推进档案事业现代化发展
国家档案局 北京 100037
Implement the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Effectively Promote the Modernization of Archival Undertaking
CAI Yingfang
National Archives Administration of China, Beijing 100037
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关键词 现代化中国式现代化档案事业新发展理念    

In response to the requirements outlined in the report of the 20th CPC National Congress, how to develop archival work and better fulfill its role in preserving history, providing political resources, and educating people, as well as how to better support and serve the building of a socialist modern country and comprehensively promote the grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, are important issues in the current stage of archival development. This paper analyzes the background, meaning, content system, principle requirements, and significance of the modernization of archival work based on the new historical development stage and the goals and tasks proposed at the National Conference of Archives Directors and Curators to promote the modernization of archival work.

Key wordsmodernization    Chinese modernization    archival undertaking    new development concept
出版日期: 2024-06-28

蔡盈芳. 全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神 推进档案事业现代化发展[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(3): 4-8.
CAI Yingfang. Implement the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Effectively Promote the Modernization of Archival Undertaking. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(3): 4-8.

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