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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (2): 128-133    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.02.017
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中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872
Growth Characteristics and Influence of Mould in Tibetan Historical Archives: Take Palm-leaf Vector as an Example
SONG Xin,LI Bing,LU Guoxuan
School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
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关键词 西藏历史档案档案保护贝叶微生物霉菌    

Tibetan historical archives are precious documents for studying ancient Tibetan culture, language and religion, and are an important part of China's minority cultural heritage and world cultural heritage, among which palm-leaf is an important carrier form of Tibetan historical archives. In this paper, an experimental study was conducted to investigate the growth characteristics of mould on palm-leaf archives. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper explored the influence of mould on the properties of palm-leaf archives. The results showed that the most suitable temperature and humidity environment for the growth of mould on palm-leaf archives was 95% relative humidity and 30℃ temperatures. The surface color of palm-leaf archives will change after mildew, and the longer the mould grows, the greater the palm-leaf archives' color change. After mildew, the acidity on the surface of palm-leaf will increase, but the acidity is not proportional to the time of mould growth. Finally, the surface morphology of the palm-leaf archives of the fungus was observed by microscope, and the yellow-brown secretion was observed in the late growth period of the fungus, which was an important factor leading to the adhesion of the palm-leaf archives.

Key wordsTibetan historical archives    archives preservation    palm-leaf    microorganism    mould
出版日期: 2023-04-28
通讯作者: 李冰   
Corresponding author: Bing LI   

宋欣, 李冰, 鲁国轩. 西藏历史档案霉菌生长特性及其影响—以贝叶载体为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(2): 128-133.
SONG Xin, LI Bing, LU Guoxuan. Growth Characteristics and Influence of Mould in Tibetan Historical Archives: Take Palm-leaf Vector as an Example. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(2): 128-133.

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