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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (4): 134-141    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.04.019
  境外学术研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
美国档案文化创意产品线上运营的经验、不足与启示— 以8家档案馆线上商店为例
王小云, 方华, 汤玲玲
福建师范大学社会历史学院 福州 350117
Development and Enlightenment of Online Store Products in American Archives— Take 8 Online Archives Stores as Examples
WANG Xiaoyun, FANG Hua, TANG Lingling
School of Society and History,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350117

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摘要: 美国档案界一直致力于文化创意产品的开发与探索,而“互联网+”时代的兴起,则为其开启线上运营提供了更为广阔的舞台。美国国家档案馆以及全美州立档案馆中,8家机构开辟了档案文创产品线上商店,其销售模式较为成熟、运营基础较为坚实,但也存在着发展动力不足、售后反馈不及时、媒体融合不够等问题。总体上可为我国档案文创发展在链接开发主体、拓展合作渠道以及创新产品形态上创造更多“线上”未来,提供思路和借鉴。
Abstract:The archive industry in the United States has always been committed to developing and exploring of cultural and creative products. With the rise of "Internet Plus" era, original practice has provided a broader stage for its online operation. Among the National Archives of the United States and National State Archives, 8 institutions have opened online stores for archival cultural and creative products. Their sales models are relatively mature and their operating foundations are relatively solid, but there are also problems such as the short of development power, delayed after-sales feedback and insufficient media integration. However, the experience of the United States in cultural and creative products can help create a bright "online" future in linking developer, expanding cooperation channels, and innovative product forms.
出版日期: 2021-07-29

王小云, 方华, 汤玲玲. 美国档案文化创意产品线上运营的经验、不足与启示— 以8家档案馆线上商店为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(4): 134-141.
WANG Xiaoyun, FANG Hua, TANG Lingling. Development and Enlightenment of Online Store Products in American Archives— Take 8 Online Archives Stores as Examples. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(4): 134-141.

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