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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (4): 41-47    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.04.006
  基础理论研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
丽水学院民族学院 丽水 323000
Base Point, Method and Target: Cultural Interpretation of Ethnic Archives
YU Houhong
Faculty for Nationalities,Lishui University,Lishui 323000

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摘要: 少数民族档案中有关少数民族的观念、经验、情感、惯例等,往往呈现出一种地理谱系分布,它们属于典型的地方知识,是对少数民族档案进行文化阐释的基点。通过理论援引加案例实证,阐明少数民族档案的文化意涵指向地方观念描述、地方经验叙事、地方情感表达、地方惯例认同等层面,进而从观念、经验、情感、惯例等四个维度探讨少数民族档案的文化阐释方法,并指出少数民族档案的文化阐释应致力于强化观念描述客观性与理解性、突出经验叙事个体性与整体性、追寻情感表达合情性与合理性、推崇惯例认同一致性与多元性的辩证统一来探求少数民族档案意义。
Abstract:The concept, experience, emotion and convention of ethnic minorities in ethnic archives always present a geographical pedigree distribution, which belongs to typical local knowledge and becomes the base point of cultural interpretation of ethnic archives. Based on the theoretical reference and case study, this paper expounds the cultural connotation of local knowledge in ethnic archives on the aspects of local concept description, local experience narration, local emotional expression and local convention identification, and probes into the thick description method of ethnic archives cultural interpretation from four dimensions of concept, experience, emotion and convention, and then emphasizes that ethnic archives cultural interpretation should be committed to the dialectical unity through strengthening the objectivity and understanding of concept description, highlighting the individuality and integrity of experience narration, pursuing the reasonableness and rationality of emotional expression, and advocating the consistency and diversity of convention identification to explore the significance of ethnic minority archives.
出版日期: 2021-07-29

余厚洪. 基点、方法、目标:少数民族档案的文化阐释[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(4): 41-47.
YU Houhong. Base Point, Method and Target: Cultural Interpretation of Ethnic Archives. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(4): 41-47.

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