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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (2): 13-19    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.02.002
  基础理论研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
北京电子科技学院管理系 北京 100070
Classified Records' Dual Lifecycle:Double Examination Based on Archival Science and Secret Management
School of Management,Beijing Electronics Science & Technology Institute,Beijing 100070

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摘要: 涉密文件兼具文件与国家秘密的特点,具有文件与国家秘密双重生命周期。基于档案学与保密管理的学科视角审视发现:涉密文件双重生命周期间相互独立;涉密文件双重生命周期间存在有机联系;双重生命周期之间的联系性和独立性使得涉密文件的双重生命周期的叠加类型呈现多样化的特点;在涉密文件不同阶段,应基于涉密文件的不同特点,选择适宜的保管场所、解密审核时机和管理方法,即各管理要素间存在内在对应关系。
Abstract:Classified records have the characteristics of both records and state secrets,and have dual lifecycle of records and state secrets. Through double examination based on archival science and secret management, we can find that: the lifecycle of records and the lifecycle of state secret are relatively independent; there is an organic connection between the lifecycle of records and the lifecycle of state secrets; the connection and independence between the dual lifecycle make the superposition types of the dual life cycles of the classified records show the characteristics of diversification; at different stages of classified records, choosing a suitable storage place, timing of declassification review and management methods should be based on the different characteristics of classified records, that is, there is an internal correspondence between these management elements.
出版日期: 2021-04-15

张臻. 涉密文件双重生命周期:基于档案学与保密管理的双重审视[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(2): 13-19.
ZHANG Zhen. Classified Records' Dual Lifecycle:Double Examination Based on Archival Science and Secret Management. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(2): 13-19.

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