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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 98-106    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.02.016
周文泓, 文传玲
四川大学公共管理学院 成都 610064
Archival Socialization:Based on the Connotation Analysis and Enlightenment of the Participatory Social Media Information Archival Management
ZHOU Wenhong, WEN Chuanling
School of Public Administration, Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064
摘要: 基于参与式社交媒体信息档案化管理的研究旨在在数字与社会转型背景下对档案社会化进行理论探索与提炼。本文以案例研究与理论构建法对现有社交媒体信息档案化管理实践从不同的社会化拓展广度和深度予以梳理和分析,剖析档案社会化在对象、主体、方式、场景、结果维度下的具体内涵及其形态。提出对档案社会化的理解与应用应当:推进档案化融合态势以把握档案社会化本质、夯实数字化构建基础,以巩固档案社会化设施、加强资源化建设导向,以延展档案社会化维度、立足档案世界发展,以持续档案社会化认知。
Abstract: The research based on participatory social media information archival management aims to explore and refine the theory of archival socialization in the context of digital and social transformation. Case studies and theoretical construction methods are used to sort out and analyze the existing social media information archival management practices from different socialization expansion breadth and depth, and to analyze the specific connotation and form of archival socialization in the dimensions of object, subject, mode, scene and result. It is proposed that the understanding and application of archival socialization should promote the integration of information archival management to grasp the essence of archival socialization, lay the foundation of the digital infrastructure to consolidate archival socialization facilities, strengthen the orientation of resource-based construction to extend the dimension of archival socialization, and maintain the cognition of Archival socialization based on the development of the archives world.
出版日期: 2020-06-09
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周文泓, 文传玲. 档案社会化:基于参与式社交媒体信息档案化管理的内涵解析及启示[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(2): 98-106.

ZHOU Wenhong, WEN Chuanling. Archival Socialization:Based on the Connotation Analysis and Enlightenment of the Participatory Social Media Information Archival Management. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(2): 98-106.


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