Evaluation of different restoration techniques and their effectiveness on coal gangue slopes in Wuhai city |
HU Yuwen1, JIA Jianbo1, SHEN Xinshan1,2, WANG Ziyi3, ZHANG Mengjie4 |
1. College of Forestry, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 410004, Changsha, China; 2. Beijing Huaxia Oasis Ecological Environmental Engineering Co. Ltd., 100096, Beijing, China; 3. Xining Ta'ershan Forest Farm, 810007, Xining, China; 4. Hunan Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, 410004, Changsha, China |
Abstract [Background] The coal mining activities in Wuhai have resulted in a multitude of gangue slope management challenges. The efficacy and practicality of various restoration methods for ecological rehabilitation of these slopes remain undetermined. Identifying suitable restoration techniques for these slopes is crucial, as it can offer valuable insights for analogous slope restoration endeavors. [Methods] Four distinct restoration techniques were implemented on coal gangue slopes, each spanning 26-36 m in length. At various slope positions (upper, middle, and lower), 2 m×2 m plots were established to assess species composition, plant height, and vegetation coverage. Soil samples from the 30 cm were collected, and conventional analytical methods were employed to measure species diversity indices, vegetation water retention, and litter accumulation. The entropy value-TOPSIS model was subsequently applied to assess the restoration techniques. [Results] 1) The restoration of coal gangue slopes in this region has shown that legumes and composites thrive well, suggesting a strong local adaptability. 2) Compared to natural restoration, artificial restoration techniques not only increase vegetation height, coverage, and species diversity index but also enhance the water retention capacity of soil and vegetation and the ability of soil physicochemical properties. 3) The restoration method of covering soil + sowing shrub seeds + honeycomb chamber is the optimal restoration technique in this area. This technique improves vegetation coverage and water retention, having a significant positive effect on vegetation growth. [Conclusions] For future rehabilitation of coal gangue slopes in this area, it is advisable to focus on legumes and composites in plant selection and to adopt artificial restoration methods such as soil covering, grass seed broadcasting, and honeycomb cell matting. These techniques can substantially improve vegetation recovery and soil and water conservation in complex natural settings.
Received: 05 July 2023
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