Abstract[Background] Coal gangue is a solid waste generated in the process of coal production, the leaching and migration of heavy metal elements such as Fe and Mn in the coal gangue piled in the open air will cause obvious pollution to the surrounding water body of the storage yard. Vegetation restoration is the main way to reduce the leaching and migration of heavy metals in coal gangue dumps, but the improvement of open gangue substrate is the basis of vegetation restoration. [Methods] This study selected the closed coal mining area in the central region of Guizhou province as the research object, 4 treatment plots were set up in the abandoned open-air gangue yard for many years, and ryegrass were planted in the coal gangue with 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg/m2 of dolomite sand in a depth of 20 cm and mixed evenly. In addition, the mixed samples of coal gangue (0-30 cm) on the surface of the gangue yard were collected and brought back to the laboratory for pot experiments, and ryegrass (Lolium perenne) was planted on mixed substrates with dolomite sand content of 0, 10%, 20% and 30%, respectively. [Results] 1) The biomass and chlorophyll content of ryegrass on the coal gangue substrate added with 10%-30% dolomite sand significantly increased, and the absorption of N, P and K by ryegrass plants also increased significantly with the order of their effects was P>N>K. 2) On the other hand, the contents of available Mn, Cd, and Zn in the coal gangue matrix added with 10%-30% dolomite sand significantly reduced, especially, when 20%-30% dolomite sand was added to coal gangue, the content of available Fe and Mn in the gangue matrix obviously reduced; this effect was closely related to the significant increase in pH of the gangue matrix after adding 20%-30% dolomite sand to the gangue matrix. 3) At the same time, after the dolomite sand improved the gangue matrix, the leaching and migration of heavy metal elements significantly reduced, and the concentration of Fe, Mn, Cd, and Zn in the infiltration water of the coal gangue matrix with 10% to 30% dolomite sand decreased significantly; when the addition of dolomite sand reached 30%, the concentration of Cu and Pb in the infiltration water of coal gangue matrix decreased significantly. [Conclusions] Adding an appropriate amount of dolomite sand to coal gangue was beneficial to reducing heavy metals bioavailability and the concentration of water-soluble heavy metals in the gangue matrix, thereby significantly lowering the impact of leaching and migration of Fe and Mn in the gangue matrix on the quality of the water environment.
LIU Yuansheng,CHEN Zuyong,LIU Fang, et al. Effect of dolomite sand-improved coal gangue substrate on ryegrass growth and heavy metal leaching[J]. SSWC, 2023, 21(5): 138-145.
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