Research progress in impact of vegetation pattern on soil erosion in the slope-gully system of the Loess Plateau
ZHU Bingbing1, HUO Yunpei2, ZHOU Zhengchao1
1. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, 710119, Xi'an, China; 2. School of Economics and Management of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, 710100, Xi'an, China
摘要黄土高原坡沟系统是流域泥沙的主要来源地,又是控制水土流失、恢复与重建生态环境的基本单元。深入揭示坡沟系统侵蚀规律,可为黄土高原水土保持措施优化配置提供科学依据。以Web of Science数据库核心合集和中国知网(CNKI)数据库为数据源,以"坡沟系统"或"坡沟关系"为关键词,对检索到的60余篇经典文献进行分析。发现:坡面不同植被分布格局影响了坡沟系统水力学参数,改变了沟坡的来水来沙量和坡沟系统侵蚀形态以及产流产沙,但坡面植被格局改变坡沟系统土壤侵蚀过程的机制还不甚明了;因此,重视植被格局与水土流失过程的相互影响和制约作用,寻求适宜的植被格局参数,建立耦合植被覆盖和坡沟系统土壤侵蚀过程的定量预测模型,将是深化坡沟系统土壤侵蚀研究的重要方向。
Abstract:[Background] The Loess Plateau of China is one of the most eroded areas in the world. The slope-gully system as a basic erosion unit in this area is not only a sediment source for the whole watershed, but also the key part in implementing soil and water conservation measures. Understanding the underlying erosion processes on the slope-gully system will provide more efficient strategies to implement effective soil and water countermeasures for protecting rare land resources and ecological environment. Since 1980, some soil and water conservation measures have been implemented in this area. Land use and vegetation cover have changed greatly, and which have deeply affected the process of rainfall, runoff, sediment production and sediment transport.[Methods] With the aid of Web of Science and CNKI, we collected over 60 classical papers based on the keywords of "slope-gully system" or "relationship between slope and gully" and conducted a literature review. For the papers published before 1999(large-scale "Grain for Green project" implemented), the erosion patterns, sediment sources and impacts of upland incoming flow on erosion of slope-gully system were summarized; and the for the papers after 1999, the effects of revegetation on erosion of slope-gully system were emphatically analyzed. The future research highlight was also pointed out based on the above analysis.[Results] 1) Great progresses have been achieved in understanding the impacts of vegetation recovery on slope-gully erosion system on the Loess Plateau in recent years. The vertical erosion distribution zone of slope-gully system has been widely recognized and the identification of sediment source indicated that inner-gully area produced more sediment for most circumstances. 2) Various vegetation patterns on the slope changed runoff hydraulic parameters and the incoming runoff amount and sediment concentration for the gully slope, which altered the erosion patterns of downslope and sediment yield of the whole system. 3) Due to the complexity of vegetation patterns and insufficient data, it is difficult to quantify upslope runoff and sediment impacts on downslope erosion process under different vegetation patterns conditions.[Conclusions] Focusing on the mutual influence and constrains of vegetation patterns and soil erosion process, more simulation and outdoor experiments should be carried out to obtain suitable parameter to illustrate the impacts of vegetation pattern on soil erosion and establish a prediction model combined vegetation patterns and soil erosion process at slope-gully system. This will deepen the relationship between vegetation pattern and soil erosion on the slope-gully system and be the future hotspot.
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ZHU Bingbing, HUO Yunpei, ZHOU Zhengchao. Research progress in impact of vegetation pattern on soil erosion in the slope-gully system of the Loess Plateau. SSWC, 2021, 19(4): 149-156.
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