Review of 60 years combating desertification in China and prospects on it
BAO Yanfeng, YANG Liu, LONG Chao, KONG Zhe, PENG Peng, XIAO Jun, JIANG Lina, LU Qi
1. Institute of Desertification Study, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 100091, Beijing, China;
2. Asia-pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation, State Forestry Administration, 100021, Beijing, China
Abstract:[Background] Desertification is one of the major threats to people around the world. It also affects the security of ecosystem and the sustainable development of economic society. China is one of the victim countries suffering from various types of desertification. Therefore, China has started combating desertification earlier and a number of successful achievements have been earned. These successful policies and examples of combating desertification may be applied by the similar countries and regions or translated into combating desertification models.[Methods] We reviewed and analyzed the works of combating desertification from past 60 years in China and cleared the development process of combating desertification in China.[Results] 1) The serious researches on desert science and practices of combating desert was initiated while the People's Republic of China was built. The period of 1949-middle of 1970s was beginning stage, desertification in China worsened due to massive cultivated crops though some combating works of investigation and monitoring were done. The years of 1978-1993 were preliminary development stage with the initiation of "Three North Shelterbelt" and establishment of several basic laws. Since 1994 until now, the desertification combating was in stable developing stage with joining in international conventions and built-up of national regulations. 2) First we have been conducting the fundamental researches on desert science such as desert ecology, wind-sand geomorphology, wind-sand physics, understanding basic situations of deserts in China, and building desert classification system, etc. Then we constructed institutional organizations such as field monitoring stations and key laboratories. Moreover, we built varied models and technical systems of combating desertification such as Hotan desertification control model in extreme arid areas, the Kubuqi desert ecological wealth creation model to get people out of poverty via the development of sand industry, rapid breeding technique system for sand-fixing plants, remote sensing monitoring technology for desert and desertified land, etc. 3) We earned experiences from 60 years desertification combating to share with international community, i.e., desertification prevention and controls should be directed by government and according to laws, and served for diplomatic cooperation with the countries, and promoted by international cooperation. 4) China's desertification combating has been developed so well that profoundly affects international rules, and currently leads the global desertification prevention and control in the world.[Conclusions] China's experiences on combating desertification are conducive to other desertification regions all around the world. We in this global village may win in this desertification combat by relying on more appropriate laws, allowing government to direct it, being based on scientific knowledge, using successful Chinese models, building advanced evaluation system, and enhancing international cooperation.
包岩峰1, 杨柳1, 龙超2, 孔哲2, 彭鹏2, 肖军2, 姜丽娜1, 卢琦1. 中国防沙治沙60年回顾与展望[J]. 中国水土保持科学, 2018, 16(2): 144-150.
BAO Yanfeng, YANG Liu, LONG Chao, KONG Zhe, PENG Peng, XIAO Jun, JIANG Lina, LU Qi. Review of 60 years combating desertification in China and prospects on it. SSWC, 2018, 16(2): 144-150.
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