Spatial management system framework of soil and water conservation in China
LUO Zhidong1,2, QI Shi1,3,4
1. School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China;
2. The Center of Water and Soil Conservation Monitoring, Ministry of Water Resources, 100053, Beijing, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation and State Forestry Administration, 100083, Beijing, China;
4. Forestry Ecological Engineering Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center, 100083, Beijing, China
Abstract:[Background] Soil and water loss and soil and water conservation are of remarkable regionality. Soil and water loss in different regions can be manifested in different types, intensities and characteristics due to the differences of natural conditions and environment. Soil and water conservation work needs to adopt different control measures and management means due to different economic levels, land use and social development conditions in different regions. The depths and requirements of top-down spatial management of water and soil conservation are also different. Therefore, the establishment of a scientific and rational form of spatial organization and management is the inevitable requirement and important foundation for the fine, efficient and modern management of soil and water conservation.[Methods] In this study, comprehensive analysis and cluster analysis were adopted to deeply analyze the technical connotation of different types of spatial management practices, to analyze their internal structure and logical relationship, and to cluster them according to their use, nature and characteristics as the criteria of hierarchical classification. Based on the system analysis method, taking the construction of spatial management system framework as the whole research object, taking the hierarchical classification and the related links of the system framework as the key points of the main contradictions and the need for coordination, the integration of the existing spatial management status and the extension of the content within the system framework were carried out to form a scientific, reasonable and feasible overall system framework of spatial management of soil and water conservation to meet the needs of practical management.[Results] The framework of spatial management system is constructed in two latitudes:vertical and horizontal. In the aspect of vertical dimension, according to the difference of spatial management demand between upper and lower levels of soil and water conservation, the three-level spatial scale pattern of macro, meso and micro is constructed. There is clear scale positioning in different scales. By formulating and applying corresponding management rules and means, the spatial cohesion and interconnection between upper and lower levels are achieved. In horizontal dimension, according to the different purposes and target elements of spatial management, the types of spatial management are divided into three types:natural management, business management and administrative management. The three forms of spatial management exist in the macro, meso and micro scales, mainly in the macro aspect. The main purpose of natural management is to reflect the current situation of natural evaluation and to carry out spatial management of regional division based on natural geographical elements. Business management refers to the form of spatial management which focuses on the management of soil and water conservation, ecological environment management, supervision and protection, etc. Administrative management refers to the administrative spatial management based on administrative division units.[Conclusions] On the basis of systematic analysis, this paper puts forward the theory, construction method and framework content of the spatial management system framework of soil and water conservation in China. The framework of the spatial management system is based on the existing achievements of spatial management of soil and water conservation. It is the full inheritance and absorption of the existing achievements of spatial management, reduces the duplication of work and reduces the difficulty of establishing the spatial framework.
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