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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (4): 92-98    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.04.012
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苏州大学社会学院 苏州 215123
Research on the Construction of a Gene Bank for Archival Paper in the Republic of China Based on the Science of Biological Samples
CAI Mengling
School of Society, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123
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民国档案所用纸张在外观、成分、结构、性能、工艺等方面具有的难以改变的属性特征,是其独特的身份证明。基于医学 中的“生物样本科学”,即提倡对样本进行检测分析、标准管理和多维利用,本文提出在收集民国档案用纸样本的基础上,对其特征信息进行观察、检测、分析和存储,形成民国档案用纸基因库,以满足档案综合鉴辨、科学修复、民国时期造纸工艺探索的需要。该基因库的主要功能包括:保存档案用纸基因信息、提供参考比对样本、实现资源共享和拓宽档案馆的服务路径,可以通过在政府、高校、研究所和档案馆之间建立多方联动的合作关系,借助现代检测与分析技术进行民国档案用纸信息的多维度提取、规范化获取与存储,以及可视化展示等途径来实现基因库的实际建设。

关键词 纸张基因信息纸张基因库数据库建设民国档案    

The paper used for the archives of the Republic of China has the attributes that are difficult to change in appearance, composition, structure, properties, and papermaking techniques, which are the proof of its unique identity. On the basis of biological sample science, which advocates to realize the standardized analysis, management, and full use of samples, this paper proposes to observe, detect, analyze and store the characteristic information on the basis of collecting paper samples for archives of the Republic of China, so as to form a gene bank of paper for archives of the Republic of China, which can meet the needs of the comprehensive authentication, scientific restoration and exploration of papermaking techniques in the period of the Republic of China. The main functions of the gene bank include: storing the gene information of paper, providing references for comparison, realizing resource sharing and broadening the service path of archives. The construction of paper gene bank can be realized by establishing a cooperative relationship among the government, universities, research institutes and archives, collecting multi-dimensional information of the paper with the help of modern detection and analysis technology, normalizing the access and storage of the information, and visual displaying the results.

Key wordspaper genetic information    paper gene bank    database construction    archives from the Republic of China
出版日期: 2023-08-28

蔡梦玲. 基于生物样本科学的民国档案用纸基因库建设研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(4): 92-98.
CAI Mengling. Research on the Construction of a Gene Bank for Archival Paper in the Republic of China Based on the Science of Biological Samples. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(4): 92-98.

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