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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (4): 83-91    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.04.011
  档案资源建设 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
Construction of Archives Industry Alliance: Motivations, Modes and Strategies
GUO Shuonan,WU Jianhua
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023
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当前,我国档案产业尚处于发展初期,面临诸多问题。市场、档案主管部门、社会团体(档案学会和行业协会)在专门解决档案产业问题上存在局限。作为产业经济领域常见的社会团体,产业联盟是企业以解决某个产业共性问题为目标而设立,通过联合多个行业主体实现业务协作、资源整合、利益共享的企业间合作组织。本文结合档案产业发展现状,分析档案产业联盟构建的必要性与可行性,探讨档案产业联盟建设模式并提出建设策略,以契合《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规 划》提出的“引导档案服务企业健康有序发展”“探索产业化路径”的新要求。

关键词 档案产业档案产业联盟建设模式建设策略    

At present, archives industry is still in the early stage of development in China, facing a number of challenges. The market, archives administrations, and social groups (archival societies and associations) have limitations in specifically addressing the challenges of the archives industry. As a common social group in the field of industrial economy, the industrial alliance is an inter-enterprise cooperation organization established by enterprises with the goal of solving a common problem in an industry to realize business collaboration, resource integration and benefit sharing by uniting multiple industry entities. This paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the construction of the archives industry alliance based on the current situation of the development of archives industry, discusses construction modes of the archives industry alliance and proposes construction strategies, which effectively conforms to the new requirements of "guiding the healthy and orderly development of archives service enterprises" and "exploring the path of industrialization" put forward in the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Archives Development".

Key wordsarchives industry    archives industry alliance    construction mode    construction strategy
出版日期: 2023-08-28

郭硕楠, 吴建华. 档案产业联盟构建:动因、模式与策略[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(4): 83-91.
GUO Shuonan, WU Jianhua. Construction of Archives Industry Alliance: Motivations, Modes and Strategies. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(4): 83-91.

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