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档案学研究  2025, Vol. 39 Issue (1): 48-56    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2025.01.006
  档案法规标准 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1 东南大学法学院 南京 211189
2 江苏大学法学院 镇江 212013
Current Situation and Governance Path of Disputes in Archives Digitization Construction from the Perspective of Whole Process: Take 464 Judgment Documents as Research Samples
XU Haoran1,SUN Chang2
1 Law School, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189
2 Law School, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013
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关键词 档案数字化建设裁判文书纠纷    

An empirical research on the disputes in the construction of archives digitization is helpful to understand the real judicial situation in the archives digitization construction and promote the legal compliance of archives digitization construction. Based on the perspective of the whole process, this paper analyzes the current situation and problems of disputes in the early, middle and late stages of archival digitization construction by using 464 judgment documents about archival digitization construction. The empirical study found that the courts handled the "non-existent archives" disputes irregularly, contractors frequently subcontracted and resubcontracted, leading to more disputes, the contractor's poor performance quality resulted in damage to the interests of archival institutions, the archival institutions did not standardize the bidding process for project outsourcing, and the infringement phenomenon in the digital utilization of archives should be paid attention to. In the future, we should distinguish between archives and government information, and establish the standard of retrieval obligation. Standardize subcontracting and resubcontracting processes to prevent subsequent disputes in advance; implement detailed contract and strict supervision, pay attention to archives staff training; optimize the bidding legislation and standardize the bidding process; at the same time, investigate bribery cases and consider sentencing factors comprehensively; abide by the fair use system and control user utilization behavior.

Key wordsarchives digitization construction    judgment document    disputes
出版日期: 2025-02-28
通讯作者: 孙畅   
Corresponding author: Chang SUN   

徐浩然, 孙畅. 全流程视角下档案数字化建设中纠纷的现状与治理路径——以464份裁判文书为研究样本[J]. 档案学研究, 2025, 39(1): 48-56.
XU Haoran, SUN Chang. Current Situation and Governance Path of Disputes in Archives Digitization Construction from the Perspective of Whole Process: Take 464 Judgment Documents as Research Samples. Archives Science Study, 2025, 39(1): 48-56.

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