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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (4): 80-86    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.04.011
  档案资源开发 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
王露露1, 闫静2, 周延3
1 中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872;
2 山东大学历史文化学院 济南 250100;
3 中国人民大学艺术学院 北京 100872
Reflections on the Memory Issues of Digital Media and Archival Art
WANG Lulu1, YAN Jing2, ZHOU Yan3
1 School of Information Resource Management,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;
2 School of History and Culture,Shandong University,Jinan 250100;
3 School of Arts,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872

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摘要: 数字媒体在构造愈加完整化、多元化且结构化的数字记忆的同时,却也逐渐忽略了文本世界中潜在的人类情感、审美趣味和符号价值。档案艺术主张从真实的历史中构建可用于人类解读的记忆,以社交游戏Second Life为例,从观感、文本和记忆出发,分析档案艺术的主要特征。通过案例分析,得到如下启示:一是利用复制技术,认可记忆无序所固有的历史价值;二是利用符号价值,建立基于情感联系的文本世界;三是协调技术与艺术、人类智慧与机器智慧、数字媒体与档案艺术之间的关系,挖掘图书馆、档案馆和博物馆等记忆机构可以参与的构造知识分子话语权、激发公众情感等其他活动。
Abstract:While digital media construct more and more complete, diversified and structured digital memories, it gradually ignores the potential human emotions, aesthetic interests and symbolic values in the text world. Archival art advocates constructing memories that can be interpreted by humans from the real history. Taking the social game Second Life as an example, the assumption of archival art is analyzed from the aspects of perception, text and memory. Through the case analysis, the following enlightenment is obtained. Firstly, using the replication technology to recognize the historical value inherent in memory disorder. Secondly, using the symbolic value to establish a text world based on emotional connections. Thirdly, coordinating the relationship between technology and art, human wisdom and machine intelligence, digital media and archival art, to discover other activities in which memory institutions such as the LAM can engage in constructing the discourse power of intellectuals and stimulating public emotions.
出版日期: 2021-07-29

王露露, 闫静, 周延. 数字媒体与档案艺术的记忆问题反思[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(4): 80-86.
WANG Lulu, YAN Jing, ZHOU Yan. Reflections on the Memory Issues of Digital Media and Archival Art. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(4): 80-86.

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[1] 注:此处排除了数字媒体所存储的体外记忆或者说信息,笔者认为,记忆是一种生理功能,数字化媒体存储的信息运作方式始终与人脑不同.而且,基于数字媒体衍生出的“数字记忆”实则只是一种实践活动中用于类比人脑记忆的口号性名词,实质上还是存储的历史信息,并非严格意义上的记忆.
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