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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (1): 110-115    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.01.015
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数字时代个人存档面临的挑战及破解逻辑— 基于档案工作者访谈记录的扎根理论研究
黄体杨, 聂锐, 钟志龙
云南大学历史与档案学院 昆明 650034
The Challenges and its Solvable Logics of Personal Archiving in Digital Age: an Grounded Theory Study Based on Archivists' Interview Records
HUANG Tiyang, NIE Rui, ZHONG Zhilong
School of History and Archives,Yunnan University,Kunming 650034

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摘要: 数字时代个人存档变得十分便捷的同时,也面临管理、保全和利用方面的诸多问题,研究个人存档面临的挑战及破解逻辑,对提升大众个人存档素养,保存个人与社会记忆具有重要理论价值。本研究对21位档案工作者访谈记录开展扎根理论研究,构建了个人存档面临的挑战及关系模型。发现数字时代个人存档面临动力不足、规范和工具匮乏、档案海洋和数字化焦虑四项挑战,认为解决“规范和工具匮乏”是破解数字时代个人存档面临的诸多挑战的根本出路。
Abstract:Personal archiving has become quite convenient, but also encounters with numerous troubles such as management, preservation and utilization. To research the challenges and its solvable logics of personal archiving are valuable for improving personal archiving literacy of the public and preserving personal and social memories. 21 archivists in China were selected for in-depth interviews. Based on grounded theory, challenges and its relations models of personal archiving were established. This exploratory study found that the challenges of personal archiving in digital age are short of momentum, lack of archiving specifications and instruments, archiving oceans and digital anxiety. Moreover, the vital outlet of resolve the challenges are to break the lack of archiving specifications and instruments.
出版日期: 2021-02-04

黄体杨, 聂锐, 钟志龙. 数字时代个人存档面临的挑战及破解逻辑— 基于档案工作者访谈记录的扎根理论研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(1): 110-115.
HUANG Tiyang, NIE Rui, ZHONG Zhilong. The Challenges and its Solvable Logics of Personal Archiving in Digital Age: an Grounded Theory Study Based on Archivists' Interview Records. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(1): 110-115.

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