情报科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 159-168.

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-05-05 发布日期:2024-07-26

  • Online:2024-05-05 Published:2024-07-26


【目的/意义】对 GPT类技术牵引负面舆情态势恶化引起充分重视,深入考据现象之下的威胁确证与化解


【Purpose/significance】To fully pay attention to the deterioration of negative public opinion caused by GPT technology, and
to conduct in-depth research on the threat confirmation and resolution of problems under the phenomenon, it is beneficial to enhance
awareness of crisis and establish a sound perception of public opinion safety nerve endings
【Method/process】The positive and nega⁃
tive attributes of public opinion are determined through a relational data model, situational awareness reasoning, and simulated anneal⁃
ing algorithm. The firefly algorithm is used to nest an AT tree model to analyze the deteriorating situation, and GPT technology traction
measurement, threat modeling and classification, threat confirmation, and response methods are constructed to achieve universal threat
identification and monitoring.【Result/conclusion】Empirical analysis shows that GPT technology can indeed play a certain role in the
deterioration of negative public opinion situations, with threats ranging in severity from ideological attacks, distorted cognitive reso⁃
nance, ripple effect catalysis, negative value guidance, and malicious opinion leaders. Furthermore, based on empirical results and the
radiation scope of the ancient Chinese intelligence academic term "attack strategy", four practical strategies for threat resolution are
provided.【Innovation/limitation】Innovation lies in proposing a foreseeable threat posed by GPT technology and discussing strategies
for resolving it. The limitation is that there has not been much discussion on the motivation for threat generation, nor has in-depth
analysis been conducted on users involved in public opinion. We look forward to providing more comprehensive research in the future.