情报科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 1-8.

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  • 出版日期:2023-12-31 发布日期:2024-06-03

  • Online:2023-12-31 Published:2024-06-03


书馆学科革新的重要转折点。2023年 8月 21日至 25日,由国际图书馆协会与机构联合会举办的第 88届世界图书
馆与信息大会(IFLA WLIC 2023)在荷兰鹿特丹市召开。会议以“让我们共同努力,让图书馆共同努力”为中心主


【Purpose/significance】The arrival of the data intelligence era has changed people's mindsets and concepts, promoting the inte⁃
gration of tradition and wisdom. It is an important turning point for the innovative transformation of library science in this era. From Au⁃
gust 21 to 25, 2023, the 88th World Library and Information Congress (WLIC 2023), organized by the International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions (IFLA), was held in Rotterdam, Netherlands. With the theme "Let's work together, let's library" and the sub⁃
theme "Building a sustainable future through the SDGs", we explore how libraries can contribute to an inclusive society, one in which ev⁃
eryone has the opportunity to participate.【Method/process】This article conducts multi-angle analysis and in-depth exploration of the
conference content by using expert speeches, keynote reports, and academic papers included in the proceedings, combined with the cur⁃
rent research status in the field of library science in China.【Result/conclusion】The review classifies the content into four perspectives:
Generative AI and Information Literacy, Artificial Intelligence in Libraries, Diversified Services in Libraries, Library and Government In⁃
formation Management, Library Construction and Virtual Experience, and Cultural Heritage Protection and Curation. The aim is to reveal
the current status, hotspots, and development trends of the main research fields in the international library community, and to provide a
reference for future research and practices in the transformation and development of library science.【Innovation/limitation】By tracking
and analyzing the hotspots of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, it is beneficial for our country's library
and information field to draw on the frontier research of this field internationally to expand the breadth and depth of research, providing a
guide for the future transformation and development of this discipline's research and practice.