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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (6): 84-90    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.06.013
  档案资源建设 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
华林, 谢梦晴, 谢梓菲
云南大学历史与档案学院 昆明 650091
Memory Rescue for Poverty Alleviation: Research on Systematic Collection of Audio-visual Archives for Precision Poverty Alleviation in Yunnan Province
HUA Lin, XIE Mengqing, XIE Zifei
School of History and Archives,Yunnan University,Kunming,Yunnan 650091

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摘要: 云南省各级党政部门、团体组织、企事业单位和个人等,在开展精准扶贫工作中形成了大量照片、录音、短视频、专题片等音像档案,开展体系化征集工作,可完整保护、构建与传承扶贫记忆。论文阐述云南省精准扶贫音像档案体系化征集意义,分析现状与问题,提出体系化征集对策。云南省精准扶贫音像档案形成主体众多、数量庞大,保存分散,构建“省—州市—县—乡镇—村委会”档案征集体系,及时开展征集工作,对留存扶贫工作痕迹,更好地保护与发掘利用这一珍贵档案遗产有现实意义。
Abstract:The Party and government departments at all levels, organizations, enterprises, institutions and individuals in Yunnan Province have formed a large number of audio-visual records such as photos, recordings, short videos, and feature films in the implementation of targeted poverty alleviation work, and carried out systematic collection work, which should be fully protected and constructed and inherit the memory of poverty alleviation. The authors expound the significance of systematic collection of audio-visual archives for precision poverty alleviation in Yunnan Province, analyze the status quo and problems, and propose systematic collection countermeasures. The audio-visual archives of precision poverty alleviation in Yunnan Province have formed a large number of subjects, big quantity and scattered storage. The archive collection system of "province-city-county-township-village committee" has been established, and collection work will be carried out in a timely manner to better protect the traces of poverty alleviation work. It is practical significance to explore and utilize this precious archival heritage.
出版日期: 2021-12-16

华林, 谢梦晴, 谢梓菲. 扶贫记忆抢救:云南省精准扶贫音像档案体系化征集研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(6): 84-90.
HUA Lin, XIE Mengqing, XIE Zifei. Memory Rescue for Poverty Alleviation: Research on Systematic Collection of Audio-visual Archives for Precision Poverty Alleviation in Yunnan Province. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(6): 84-90.

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