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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (6): 52-57    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.06.008
  档案法规标准 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
铜陵学院法学院 铜陵 244061
Discussion and Prospect on the Legalization Space of Archives Utilization in China—Analysis Based on the New Archives Law and Foreign Archival Legislation
YAO Ming
Law School,Tongling University,Tongling 244061

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摘要: 本次《档案法》的修订将档案利用作为一项重点内容,有力提升了我国档案利用的法治保障能力,但这并非为我国档案利用的法治化进程画上句号。国外档案利用的法律规制主要聚焦于档案利用前准备工作、档案利用的分类管理、档案利用的方式方法、档案利用的程序设计和档案利用的违规惩戒等八个方面。基于我国档案利用法治化建设的发展要求,从当下而言,需要通过《档案法实施办法》的配套修订对新增内容予以细化;从未来而言,基于档案利用的基本规律和国外档案利用法律规制的经验,未来《档案法》关于档案利用的规制应重点关注档案利用的保障措施、例外制度和限制机制等三项内容。
Abstract:The revision of Archives Law takes the utilization of archives as a key content, which has greatly improved the legal guarantee ability of China's archives utilization, but it is not the end of the legalization process of China's archives utilization. The legal regulation of foreign archives utilization mainly focuses on eight aspects:preparation before archives utilization, classified management of archives utilization, ways and methods of archives utilization, program design of archives utilization and punishment for illegal archives utilization. Based on the development requirements of the legalization construction of archives utilization in China, from now on, it is necessary to refine the new contents through the supporting revision of the Measures for The Implementation of Archives Law; In the future, based on the basic law of archives utilization and the experience of foreign legal regulation of archives utilization, the regulation of archives utilization in the future Archives Law should focus on three aspects:safeguard measures, exception system and restriction mechanism.
出版日期: 2021-12-16

姚明. 我国档案利用的法治化空间探讨与展望—基于新《档案法》和国外档案立法的分析[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(6): 52-57.
YAO Ming. Discussion and Prospect on the Legalization Space of Archives Utilization in China—Analysis Based on the New Archives Law and Foreign Archival Legislation. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(6): 52-57.

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