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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (3): 60-64    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.03.009
     档案资源建设 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1 南京邮电大学社会与人口学院 南京 210023
2 江西省档案局业务指导处 南昌 330038
Research on the Archives Resource Construction of Targeted Poverty Alleviation from the Perspective of Social Memory Construction
Li WEI1,Liping FANG2,Xiaoping LIANG2
1 School of Humanities and Social Science,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023
2 Business Guidance Office of Jiangxi Provincial Archives Bureau,Nanchang 330038

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Archives are the original records formed by people in social activities, and are resources and important carriers for the social memory construction. Targeted poverty alleviation is a poverty reduction action with Chinese characteristics, led by the government, and integrated with resources from all sides to achieve multiple goals, including anti-poverty, economic development, supporting agriculture, rural social construction and rural social security. A large number of original records and memory materials have been retained in its practical activities. In the archives management of targeted poverty alleviation, we should not only protect the record materials formed by government departments, but also highlight the social value of archives, establish special archival resource databases, and select typical representative areas for real scene protection to preserve social memory.

出版日期: 2021-06-17

魏莉,方丽萍,梁小平. 基于社会记忆构建视域下的精准扶贫档案资源建设研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(3): 60-64.
Li WEI,Liping FANG,Xiaoping LIANG. Research on the Archives Resource Construction of Targeted Poverty Alleviation from the Perspective of Social Memory Construction. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(3): 60-64.

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