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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (4): 87-96    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.04.013
  档案资源开发 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
中山大学资讯管理学院 广州 510006
Research on the Authority Control of Proper Nouns of China’s Maritime Customs Archives in Canton (Yuehaiguan)—Based on Personal Names, Place Names, and Corporate Names
Sun Yat-Sen University, College of Information Management,Guangzhou 510006

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摘要: 拼音名词规范化控制在近代海关档案信息资源开发利用中占据极其重要的地位,不仅因为它是构建海关档案数据库的基础数据源,更重要的是,它有助于厘清档案信息资源开发过程中的语言、书写、专有名词不断变换的障碍,实现档案信息资源的有效整合和充分开发,从而提高档案信息资源组织和检索的效率。本文以近代广东海关档案为对象、以粤海关档案为中心进行此次研究,通过整合粤海关档案中的人名、地名、机构名等拼音文字数据资料,梳理粤海关档案中语言文字的特点、不同的拼音系统及其复杂的演化过程,结合传统的规范控制方法和基于网络的关联数据技术,将粤海关档案中不同拼音系统所导致的一音多词、一词多音、一词多义、一义多词等问题进行合并,在美国国会图书馆已有的书目框架基础上,提出构建以拼音名词为核心的海关档案文献规范控制模式。
Abstract:The authority control of proper nouns based on Chinese pronunciation is given higher priority in the development and utilization of archival information resources in China’s Maritime Customs Archives. Two reasons should be considered:it lays a basic foundation for the the construction of maritime archival database; it clears the obstacle of language,script,variations of proper nouns for the effective integration and full exploitation of archival information resources. In this article,China’s Maritime Customs Archives in Canton (Yuehaiguan) is taken as a research object. Combining the traditional methods of authority control and the technique of linked data and based on the characteristics of Chinese language,different Romanization systems and complicated processes of evolution,problems of homophony, polyphony,and polysemy in the alphabetic writing of personal names,places names,and corporate names can be merged. BIBFRAME being taken as a reference,a model of"proper noun"-oriented authority control in China’s Maritime Customs Archives in Canton(Yuehaiguan)can be established.
出版日期: 2020-09-08

王卉. 近代广东海关档案中的拼音名词规范控制研究—以粤海关为中心[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(4): 87-96.
WANG Hui. Research on the Authority Control of Proper Nouns of China’s Maritime Customs Archives in Canton (Yuehaiguan)—Based on Personal Names, Place Names, and Corporate Names. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(4): 87-96.

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