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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 43-50    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.02.007
张帆, 朱令俊, 张弛
南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
Research on Four Subjects and Their Relations of Archives Service Outsourcing Industry under the Background of Institutional Reform
ZHANG Fan, ZHU Lingjun, ZHANG Chi
School of Information Management, Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023
摘要: 目前我国档案服务外包行业存在主体概念混淆的情况,诸多主体概念存在承包方、发包方、第三方角色界定不清的情况。本文认为当下的档案管理体制改革为档案服务外包行业的优化提供了契机,需要理清行业中各类主体的职能及相互关系。监管方秉持合法性、宏观性和长效性工作原则,落实指导、监督、执法、教育、授权和协调职能;第三方秉持独立性、客观性和专业性工作原则,落实第三方咨询、招标、监理、评价和认证职能;发包方寻求外包服务的工作理念,应由成本优先向效益优先转变;承包方的工作理念则应由低价竞争向品牌建设转变。这便要求坚持深化落实政事、政企分开改革策略;优化行业发展的法制环境;成立档案服务外包行业协会。
Abstract: At present, there is confusion about the concept of the subject in the archives service outsourcing industry in China. Many subjectival concepts are unclear about the roles of the contractor, the outsourcer and the third parties. The paper holds that the current reform of archives management system provides an opportunity for the optimization of archives service outsourcing industry. It is necessary to clarify the functions and relationships of various subjects in the industry. Supervisors should adhere to the principles of legitimacy, macroscopic property and long-term effectiveness to implement the functions of guidance, supervision, law enforcement, education, authorization and coordination. Third parties should adhere to the principles of independence, objectivity and professionalism to implement their functions of consultation, bidding, supervision, evaluation and certification. Working concept of outsourcing services sought by outsourcer should be changed from cost priority to benefit priority. Contractor's working concept should be changed from low-price competition to brand building. This requires insisting on deepening the strategies of implementation of the government and separate government functions from enterprise management, optimizing the legal environment for the development of the industry; establishing the archives service outsourcing industry association.
出版日期: 2020-06-09
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张帆, 朱令俊, 张弛. 机构改革背景下档案服务外包行业的四个主体及其关系研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(2): 43-50.

ZHANG Fan, ZHU Lingjun, ZHANG Chi. Research on Four Subjects and Their Relations of Archives Service Outsourcing Industry under the Background of Institutional Reform. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(2): 43-50.


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