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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 37-42    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.02.006
杨智勇, 贺奕静
上海大学图书情报档案系 上海 200444
The Path Analysis of China's Participation in International Archives Governance under the Background of Globalization
YANG Zhiyong, HE Yijing
School of Library , Information and Archives , Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444
摘要: 自国际档案理事会成立以来,随着全球化扩张的影响,全球化治理格局已逐步形成,中国参与国际档案治理正逢其时。中国档案界在贯彻落实国家全球治理理念、吸纳国外档案治理实践经验以及提升中国档案话语权等方面迎来了新的时代机遇;而如何把握好机遇建设档案强国则可以从以下几方面入手:提升档案治理国际化意识、积极融入国际档案组织、构建国内外信息交流平台、探索确保档案内容真实可靠的技术运用以及建构中国特色档案学理论体系。
Abstract: Since the establishment of the International Council on Archives, with the effects of global expansion, the pattern of global governance has gradually formed, and China's participation in global archives governance is at the right time. The Chinese archives community has ushered in a new era opportunity in implementing the concept of national global governance, absorbing the practical experience of foreign archives management, and improving Chinese archives'right to speak. How to seize the opportunity to build a power country of archives can start from the following aspects: enhance the internationalization awareness of archives governance, actively integrate into international archives organization, build a platform for information exchange at home and abroad, explore the application of technology to ensure the authenticity and reliability of archives content, and construct a theoretical system of archival science with Chinese characteristics.
出版日期: 2020-06-09
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杨智勇, 贺奕静. 全球化背景下中国参与国际档案治理的路径探析[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(2): 37-42.

YANG Zhiyong, HE Yijing. The Path Analysis of China's Participation in International Archives Governance under the Background of Globalization. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(2): 37-42.


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