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档案学研究  2019, Vol. 33 Issue (6): 86-93    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2019.06.013
档案数字化外包项目管理现状问题及对策研究—— 以广州市调研为例
李海涛1, 甄慧琳2
中山大学资讯管理学院 广州 510006
Research on Archives Digitization Outsourcing Project Situation:Problems and Measures—— Taking Guangzhou Investigation as an Example
Haitao LI1, Huilin ZHEN2
School of information management,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510006



According to the guidance of project management, the authors make researches on the current management situation of the archives digitization outsourcing project (ADOP) purchased by government in Guangzhou in 2018. It reveals the following problems: overtime and over budget issues in ADOP; the work model driven by the team leader is detrimental to the quality of ADOP; the inadequate ability of the team members and the large mobility of personnel reduce the project quality; the poor communication among the client, the project team and the supervision institution pose high risk of rework. Accordingly, the authors propose performance improvement strategies such as quantifying project development and evaluation indicators; establishing and optimizing knowledge management systems in ADOP to improve project management effectiveness and team members’capabilities; strengthening the communication between the quality inspection department and the project team to reduce the rework rate and strengthening archives literacy training of team members to retain workers and to ensure process and quality of ADOP.

出版日期: 2019-12-10
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李海涛, 甄慧琳. 档案数字化外包项目管理现状问题及对策研究—— 以广州市调研为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2019, 33(6): 86-93.

Haitao LI, Huilin ZHEN. Research on Archives Digitization Outsourcing Project Situation:Problems and Measures—— Taking Guangzhou Investigation as an Example. Archives Science Study, 2019, 33(6): 86-93.


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