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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 28-36    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.05.005
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聂勇浩, 张炘
中山大学信息管理学院 广州 510006
Research on Electronic Evidence Preservation Model Based on Blockchain — A Case Study of Guangzhou Court of the Internet
NIE Yonghao, ZHANG Xin
School of Information Management,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006

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摘要: 网络诉讼的普遍化使得电子证据成为司法电子文件管理的重要对象,区块链不可篡改、可追溯和去中心化等技术特性为电子证据保全提供了新的思路。基于区块链技术,广州互联网法院构建了“网通法链”信用生态系统,以应对电子证据的可采、可信、可控和可用问题。本文从合法性、真实性、安全性和可用性四个维度归纳了广州互联网法院的电子证据保全策略,提炼出以司法认可、规范建设和规则输出策略保全合法性,以区块链全程监管、多阶段哈希值校验、多链聚合和多主体背书策略保全真实性,以哈希算法、非对称加密技术、分布式存储和系统防护机制保全安全性,以元数据抽取、格式转换、脱机存储和定期检测措施保全可用性的电子证据保全模式,并针对区块链性能瓶颈和可用性保全措施的局限性等问题,讨论了下一步的发展思路。
Abstract:The popularization of online litigation makes electronic evidence an important object of judicial electronic records management. Characterized by immutability, traceability and decentralization, blockchain technology serves as a new approach for the preservation of electronic evidence. Based on the blockchain technology, Guangzhou Court of the Internet has constructed a trustworthy ecosystem to cope with the admissibility, credibility, controllability and availability problems of electronic evidence. This paper analyzes the electronic evidence preservation strategy of Guangzhou Court of the Internet from the perspectives of legitimacy, authenticity, security and availability, and summarizes a preservation mode, in which legitimacy is preserved by judicial recognition, standards construction and rule output strategy, authenticity preserved by supervision under the blockchain through the whole process, multi-stage hash values verification, multi-chain aggregation and multi-agent endorsement, security preserved by hash algorithm, asymmetric encryption algorithm, distributed storage and system protection mechanism, and availability preserved by extracting metadata, format conversion, offline data storage and regular detection. And in view of the bottleneck of blockchain and the limitation of the available preservation measures, this paper proposes the development directions for the next phase.
出版日期: 2021-10-22

聂勇浩, 张炘. 基于区块链的电子证据保全模式研究—以广州互联网法院为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(5): 28-36.
NIE Yonghao, ZHANG Xin. Research on Electronic Evidence Preservation Model Based on Blockchain — A Case Study of Guangzhou Court of the Internet. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(5): 28-36.

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