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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 19-24    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.02.003
档案学本科生专业认同研究—— 以上海大学档案学专业为例
张衍1, 张奕萱2
1. 上海大学图书情报档案系 上海 200444;
2. 台湾政治大学图书资讯与档案学研究所 台北116-05
A Study on Professional Identity of Archives Undergraduates—— A Case Study of Shanghai University
ZHANG Yan1, ZHANG Yixuan2
1. Department of Library, Information and Archives, Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444;
2. NCCU Gradvate Institvte of Library, Information and Archival Studies, Taipei, 116-05
摘要: 本研究对来自上海大学57名档案学专业本科生的专业认同状况进行个案研究,自行编制《上海大学档案学专业本科生专业认同感调查问卷》,并通过SPSS 24.0对所回收数据进行统计,从专业认同、专业态度、专业学习和专业持续四个维度进行深入分析研究。调查结果显示:目前学生的情感性专业认同度总体较高,但同时呈现出明显的两极分化现象;学生能够认真对待专业课程及考试,但缺乏主动讨论和钻研相关问题的积极性;学生们虽充分肯定档案学专业的价值,但对专业前景和个人发展却有迷茫。
Abstract: This paper makes a study on 57 archives undergraduates about their professional identity. According to the situation of Shanghai University, the study works out a questionnaire and asks 57 sophomore or junior students to fill in the form and uses SPSS 24.0 to analyze the data from four points of view called“Professional cognition”, “Professional attitude”, “Course studying”and“Sustained development”. The result shows the general level of students'professional identity is high but there exists a large gap among them. And students can treat their schoolwork seriously, while they don't like to study intensively. Most of them realize the value of archives science but still don't know how this major will develop and what they can do after graduation. As a consequence, the school should take measures to improve the educational system and the talent development scheme.
出版日期: 2020-06-09
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张衍, 张奕萱. 档案学本科生专业认同研究—— 以上海大学档案学专业为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(2): 19-24.

ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Yixuan. A Study on Professional Identity of Archives Undergraduates—— A Case Study of Shanghai University. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(2): 19-24.


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