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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (1): 91-96    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.01.014
李姗姗, 邱智燕
西北大学公共管理学院西安 710127
Literature Review and Prospect on Minority Archival Heritage Protection in China with CiteSpace
LI Shanshan, QIU Zhiyan
School of Public Administration,Northwest University,Xian 710127
摘要: 本文借助CiteSpace,对近十年来我国少数民族档案文献遗产保护研究成果的发文年代、发文机构、关键词共现、学者合作网、主题类聚等进行分析,提炼出六个较为成熟的研究主题:多元化收集、科学化整理、抢救性保护、共建共享服务、可持续性利用、保障体系建设。总结研究的不足之处:理论研究薄弱、研究对象不明、研究主题局限、研究区域偏好强、研究力量失衡等,并提出未来研究的着力方向。
Abstract: This paper intends to comb and summarize the research on minority archival heritage protection in China during the last decade, both with quantitative and qualitative analysis. Firstly, with CiteSpace, analyzes relevant periodical literatures from five aspects, including year of publication, publishing institutions, keywords co-occurrence, scholars cooperation network and topic cluster. Secondly, based on the keywords cluster and subject distribution, extracts the relatively mature themes as below diversified collection, scientific arrangement, rescuing conservation, co-construction and sharing, sustainable utilization, security system construction. Finally, puts forward the disadvantages of present study, which mainly contain weakness of fundamental research, ambiguity of research object, limitation of research topics, regional preferences, unbalance of researchers and so on. And then, indicates the points of strength in future.
出版日期: 2020-06-11
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李姗姗, 邱智燕. 基于CiteSpace的我国少数民族档案文献遗产保护研究述评与展望[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(1): 91-96.

LI Shanshan, QIU Zhiyan. Literature Review and Prospect on Minority Archival Heritage Protection in China with CiteSpace. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(1): 91-96.


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