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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 145-148    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.05.022
  档案资源开发 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
海南省人民医院综合档案室 海口 570100
Research on Hospital Archives Data Sharing Under the Background of Regional Opening
Deputy Research Librarian of Archives,Hainan Provincial People's Hospital,Haikou 570100

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摘要: 医院档案数据是医院发展的重要战略性信息资源。大数据时代的到来,推动医院档案数据进入信息化治理时代,同时为档案资源的利用创造了机遇。随着全国区域性医疗中心的构建,医疗数据档案治理也从独立管控逐步朝着行业共享的方向发展。本研究基于区域性开放背景,对医院档案数据共享的基本概念、现状与区域性开放契合点以及共享策略进行了探讨。
Abstract:Hospital archives data is an important strategic information resource for hospital development. The arrival of the era of big data promotes the hospital archives data into the era of information governance, and creates opportunities for the utilization of archives resources. With the construction of national regional medical centers, the management of medical data archives has gradually developed from independent control to industry sharing. Based on the background of regional opening, this paper discusses the basic concept, sharing status, the conjunction with regional opening and sharing strategy of hospital archives data sharing.
出版日期: 2021-10-22

黄富才. 区域性开放背景下的医院档案数据共享研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(5): 145-148.
HUANG Fucai. Research on Hospital Archives Data Sharing Under the Background of Regional Opening. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(5): 145-148.

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