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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 79-84    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.05.012
  档案信息化 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
王志宇, 郭士华
辽宁大学历史学院 沈阳 110136
Research on Archival Data Storage Based on Document-oriented Non-relational Database
WANG Zhiyu, GUO Shihua
History School of Liaoning University,Shenyang 110136

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摘要: 2019年12月国家档案局正式发布了《基于文档型非关系型数据库的档案数据存储规范》,并于2020年5月1日开始实施,该标准规定了使用文档型数据库存储档案数据的总体要求,提出了使用文档型数据库存储和管理档案数据的基本功能和实施方法。通过对该《规范》的解读,结合文档型非关系型数据库的功能,以MongoDB数据库为实践对象,可以看出其存储档案数据特别是非结构化档案数据的原理和方法与传统解决方案的不同。采用文档型非关系型数据库存储档案数据具备全新的优势和价值。
Abstract:The National Archives Administration of China officially issued "Specification for storage of archival data based on document-oriented non-relational database" in December 2019, which was implemented on May 1, 2020. The standard specifies the general requirements for the use of document-oriented databases to store archival data, and propose the basic functions and implementation methods of using a document-oriented database to store and manage archival data. Through the interpretation of the ''Specification'', combined with the functions of document-oriented non-relational databases, and taking the MongoDB database as a practical object, it can be seen that the principles and methods of storing archival data, especially unstructured archival data, are different from traditional solutions. The use of document-oriented non-relational databases to store archival data has new advantages and values.
出版日期: 2021-10-22

王志宇, 郭士华. 基于文档型非关系型数据库档案数据存储研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(5): 79-84.
WANG Zhiyu, GUO Shihua. Research on Archival Data Storage Based on Document-oriented Non-relational Database. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(5): 79-84.

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