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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (1): 104-110    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.01.016
龙家庆1, 王玉珏2, 李子林1, 许佳欣2
1. 中国人民大学信息资源管理学院北京 100872;
2. 武汉大学信息管理学院武汉 430072
The Impacts of Digital Humanities on Archival Community in China: Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures
LONG Jiaqing1, WANG Yujue2, LI Zilin1, XU Jiaxin2
1. School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China,Beijing l00872;
2. School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072
摘要: 数字人文是数字技术与人文社会学科融合发展的智慧,对以历史文化与社会记忆为研究主题的档案领域产生着一定冲击与反思。通过理解数字人文内涵,厘清档案工作与数字人文的关联,发现档案领域数字人文基础设施薄弱、档案业务实践有待拓展、档案数字人文教育有待完善、配套激励政策存在不足等现实挑战。同时,认识到数字人文为档案工作带来的机遇:创新档案工作思维方式、构建档案数字人文仓储优势、识别与分析数字人文档案资源、提供更为丰富创新的档案服务。在档案基础建设、学科体系发展、馆藏资源整合、融合项目服务和开发宣传效益等方面提出相关选择建议,旨在提升学界与社会对档案领域数字人文项目研究的关注。
Abstract: Digital humanities is the wisdom of the integration and development of digital technology with humanities and social sciences, which has a certain impact and reflection on the archival field with the research theme of historical culture and social memory. By understanding the meaning of digital humanities, and clarifying the relationship between archives work and digital humanities, it is found that the digital humanities infrastructure in the archives field is weak, the archives business practice needs to be expanded, the archives digital humanities education needs to be improved, and the supporting incentive policies are insufficient. Simultaneously, it recognizes the opportunities brought by digital humanities for archival work Innovate the thinking mode of archives work, build the advantages of digital humanities archives storage, identify and analyze archives resources for digital humanities, and provide more rich and innovative archives services. In the aspects of archives infrastructure construction, disciplinary system development, collection resource integration, integration project services and development and publicity benefits, relevant selection suggestions are proposed to enhance the academic and social concerns about digital humanities projects in the archives field.
出版日期: 2020-06-11
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龙家庆, 王玉珏, 李子林, 许佳欣. 数字人文对我国档案领域的影响:挑战、机遇与对策[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(1): 104-110.

LONG Jiaqing, WANG Yujue, LI Zilin, XU Jiaxin. The Impacts of Digital Humanities on Archival Community in China: Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(1): 104-110.


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