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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (1): 52-58    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.01.008
周瑛1, 刘越1, 刘茹2
1.安徽大学管理学院 合肥 230000;
2. 淮北师范大学计算机科学与技术学院 淮北 235000
Study on the Factors of College Students’ Personal Digital Archive Behavior
Zhou Ying1, Liu Yue1, Liu Ru2
1. School of Management, Anhui University, Hefei 230000;
2. School of Computer Science and Technology, Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei 235000
摘要: [目的/意义]分析影响大学生数字存档行为的因素,探究其产生的原因并给出相应的对策建议,旨在提高数字资源的重复使用率,增强大学生个人的数字存档能力。[方法/过程]本文首先使用扎根理论,以大学生群体为调查对象,获取影响大学生数字存档行为的因素;其次利用概率论方法对研究结果进行权重赋值,首次以量化的形式表明了各影响因素对大学生数字存档的影响程度;最后给出提高大学生个人数字存档能力的相关建议。[结果/结论]研究结果表明资源因素、个人因素、环境因素和附加因素是影响大学生数字存档行为的主要因素。
Abstract: [Purpose/Meaning] Analyze the factors affecting the digital archiving behavior of college students, explore the causes and give corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, aim to improve the reuse rate of digital resources and enhance the digital archiving ability of college students. [Method/Process] This paper firstly uses the grounded theory to take the college students as the survey object, and obtains the factors affecting the digital archiving behavior of college students. Then, using the probability theory method to assign weights to the research results, the first time to quantify the influencing factors The degree of influence of digital archiving of college students; finally, the relevant suggestions for improving the personal digital archiving ability of college students are given. [Results/Conclusions] The results of the study indicate that resource factors, personal factors, environmental factors and additional factors are the main factors affecting the digital archiving behavior of college students.
出版日期: 2020-06-11
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周瑛, 刘越, 刘茹. 大学生个人数字存档行为的影响因素探究[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(1): 52-58.

Zhou Ying, Liu Yue, Liu Ru. Study on the Factors of College Students’ Personal Digital Archive Behavior. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(1): 52-58.


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