Rapid extraction of land parcels from soil and water conservation supervision-oriented productive and constructive projects in the Loess Plateau |
GAO Zhiqiang1, SHI Mingchang1, YANG Wentao1, SUN Na2, WANG Xiaojing2 |
1. School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China; 2. Beijing Datum Technology Development Co. Ltd, 100084, Beijing, China |
Abstract [Background] The productive and constructive project (PCP) is one of the main sources of man-made soil and water loss in the Loess Plateau. Acquiring the location and attributes of PCP land parcels is critical to soil and water conservation supervision, management, and protection. Traditional ways of mapping PCP land parcels mainly rely on manual interpretation of remote sensing images, which is time-consuming, subjective and expensive. [Methods] Based on GF-1 images, this paper presents a rapid object-oriented method to extract PCP land parcels in the Loess Plateau. Firstly, we analyzed the separability of 29 typical PCP land parcel components in the study area. Six kinds of components were selected as extraction markers. Then, on this basis, an object-oriented multi-level extraction model, which united the multi-resolution segmentation algorithm and the fuzzy classification algorithm, was developed to extract these six kinds of components mentioned above. Final extraction results were achieved after automatic extraction and post-processing procedures. [Results] Results showed that six kinds of marked objects, which were buildings and structures, hardened grounds, bare lands, waste slags, coal covered areas and water areas, were reliable to sign PCP land parcels in the Loess Plateau. With the object-oriented multi-level extraction model, the extraction results were considered sustainable and efficient. The quantitative and area accuracy of extracting block-type PCP land parcels was 95.03% and 85.19% respectively, while the length accuracy of extracting line-type PCP land parcels was 86.34%. Besides, with the same hardware and software configuration, the overall time was 80% less than the traditional method. The results validated that the multi-resolution segmentation algorithm portrayed the edges of different objects correctly in several scales, and that the fuzzy classification algorithm described the features of the objects in a more plentiful and accurate way. It was proved that the object-oriented extraction method was suitable for extracting PCP land parcels based on GF-1 imagery. A few of block-type PCP land parcels were failed to be extracted for the broken composition and inadequate extracting area. The interferences of surroundings decreased the extraction accuracy of line-type PCP land parcels. [Conclusions] Compared to manual interpretation, this proposed method shows a solid advantage on extraction efficiency with a high accuracy, which can be applied for rapid extraction of PCP land parcels in a large region in the Loess Plateau. This method provides a better technical support for efficient and accurate implementation of soil and water conservation supervision and management.
Received: 09 January 2017
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