Factors affecting the initial runoff time of Platycladus orientalis plantation hillslope in Beijing mountainous area
JIANG Qiuling1, XIN Zhongbao1,2, YU Xinxiao1,2, FAN Dengxing1,2
1. School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China;
2. Beijing Engineering Research Center of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China
Abstract:[Background] The rainfall in Beijing is mainly concentrated in summer and autumn, and it usually falls in high intensity, which makes the mountainous area of Beijing become a region prone to mountain torrents and sediment flow disaster. These natural disasters have caused huge losses to the infrastructure and people's lives and property in the mountainous areas of Beijing. Over the past few decades, Beijing has carried out a large number of water conservation forests in mountainous areas. Forest vegetation plays an important role in conserving water sources, reducing flood peak flow and delaying flood time. Defining the initial runoff time of the forest hillslope and its influencing factors can promote the understanding of watershed runoff and confluence, and provide guidance for rational allocation of soil and water conservation measures.[Methods] The hillslope of Platycladus orientalis plantation in mountainous areas of Beijing was selected as the object of this study. Eight plots with different slope length (1, 2 and 5 m) were built and three rainfall intensities (70, 92 and 126 mm/h) and two types of hillslope treatment (litter-covered plots and bare-soil plots) were implemented. Total of 48 artificial simulated rainfall events were carried out in the field in order to study the effect of factors such as rainfall intensity, litter and slope length on the initial runoff time of the Platycladus orientalis plantation hillslope.[Results] 1) Rainfall intensity was the dominant factor that determined the initial runoff time of hillslope. The initial runoff time decreased rapidly with the rainfall intensity decreasing, and there was a significant power function relationship between them. 2) Litter obviously delayed the beginning of runoff. When the rainfall intensity was 70 mm/h, runoff in the 1 m long plots did not occur for 60 min rainfall under the cover of litter, while the average initial runoff time in 1 m long plots was 480±174 s under bare soil. The average initial runoff time of litter-covered plots under other rainfall intensities and slope length was 139 s longer than that of bare-soil plots. 3) With the increase of slope length, the initial runoff time of the litter-covered plots and bare-soil plots both showed a decreasing trend. 4) The initial runoff time of P. orientalis plantation hillslope was mainly affected by rainfall intensity and litter, and their contribution rates to the initial runoff time were 59.8% and 23.9%, respectively.[Conclusions] The main factors influencing the initial runoff time of P. orientalis plantation hillslope are rainfall intensity and litter, and the litter layer in the mountainous areas of Beijing plays an important role in slowing the runoff formation when heavy rain occurs.
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