Characteristics of preferential flow in the soil cracks of a coal mining subsidence area
GUO Qiaoling, SU Ning, DING Bin, YANG Yunsong
1. Institute of Resource & Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, 454003, Jiaozuo, Henan, China;
2. Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region, 454003, Jiaozuo, Henan, China;
3. Information Center of Yellow River Conservancy Commission, 450003, Zhengzhou, China;
4. Institute of Business Management, Henan Polytechnic University, 454003, Jiaozuo, Henan, China
Abstract:[Background] Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield is located in arid and semi-arid area, and its ecological environment is fragile. Large amount of coal mining results in widespread distribution of surface cracks in subsidence area. The occurrence of fissures provides preferential way for water migration, and causes soil and water loss and a series of ecological environmental problems. Studying the preferential flow in the cracks of coal mining subsidence area may provide basic support for controlling soil and water loss and protecting ecological environment.[Methods] The subsidence area without any vegetation in Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield has been taken as research area. Two test points (1 crack of 20 mm in testing point 1 and 3 cracks of 5 mm in testing point 2) were set in a 50 m×50 m testing area, then 4 g/L bright-blue solution was used to dye it, and images were taken in 1 horizontal and 5 vertical sections, as well as soil samples were collected from each section. Then the images were processed and calibrated by Photoshop CS 6.0 and ArcGIS 10.2. Physical and moisture characteristics of the sampled soil from the testing area were analyzed, including grain composition, soil porosity, water content, bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and field water-holding capacity.[Results] 1) Under different surface cracks, the soil porosity, water content and field water-holding capacity increased and the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased with the increase of soil depth. Moreover, they were almost the same in the same soil depth even in different crack condition. 2)On the horizontal section, the dyeing area of the soil decreased with the increase of depth, and the location of the dyeing region had a certain continuity. 3)On the vertical profile, the soil dyeing area had S shape decreasing trend with the depth increasing. The maximum dyeing depth was 66.02 cm in test point 1 and 46.87 cm in test point 2. At the same time, the distribution characteristics of preferential flow were significantly different in two test sites. In addition, the distribution characteristics of preferential flow in the two test sites were also different, indicating that the width and number of cracks affected the preferential flow. The area with larger crack width had great influence on the seepage flow, and preferential flow reached the deeper part of the soil. 4)Dyeing paths were more below ground 8-54 cm in test point 1 while 12-28 cm in test point 2. In general, the number of wide dyed paths decreased and the number of small dyed paths increased with the increase of soil depth.[Conclusions] In summary, the surface cracks in coal mining subsidence area cause the occurrence of preferential flow. The width and number of cracks have a significant influence on the preferential flow in the coal mining subsidence area.
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GUO Qiaoling, SU Ning, DING Bin, YANG Yunsong. Characteristics of preferential flow in the soil cracks of a coal mining subsidence area. SSWC, 2018, 16(3): 112-120.
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