Abstract:Eco-environmental water consumption is an important problems demanding prompt solution in eco-environmental improvement. This paper first discusses the definition of eco-environment water consumption, combines the actually eco-environmental of Shanxi province, eco-environmental water consumption is divided into four types, including these of forest-vegetation, soil and water conservation, river and city eco-environmental water Consumption. Water consumption by forest-vegetation is shown using actual evapotranspiration, it is found that the total amount of the province is over 346-477 mm. Based on correspondence analysis to small watersheds, soil and water conservation eco-environmental water consumption is indicated by reduction of runoff depth, the reduction of runoff depth is 17.62 mm ( Huanghe watershed) 27.34 mm (Haihe watershed) due to the watershed soil and water conservation. According to analyzing perennial average month minimum runoff volume, perennial average month maximum sediment concentration, perennial average sediment discharge, calculates river eco-environment water consumption. According to analyzing water consumption of urban lake, green spaces in urban area, recharge of ground water, urban street, calculates urban eco-environmental water consumption.