A review on the layouts of rainwater storage and drainage measures in small watersheds
CHEN Yulan1,2,3, HAN Jianqiao1,2,3,4, JIAO Juying1,2,3,4, XU Qian4, CHEN Tongde4, LI Jianjun4, WANG Nan1,2, BAI Leichao4
1. The Research Center of Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education, 712100, Yangling, Shaanxi, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, 712100, Yangling, Shaanxi, China; 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049, Beijing, China; 4. Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, 712100, Yangling, Shaanxi, China
Abstract:[Background] Due to the impact of global climate change, the frequency of extreme weather events increased, leading to flood and drought disaster frequently occurred and water shortage. With the growth of population and economy, water consumption increases greatly and water pollution is serious, which aggravated the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources. How to coordinate rainwater storage and drainage in a small watershed for alleviating water resource shortage and flood disaster is a scientific and practical issue to be solved urgently.[Methods] We collected all relevant literatures with the keywords of "storage and drainage measures" and "rainwater resource utilization", which come from CNKI, ScienceDirect, Springer and others. Based on those literatures at home and abroad, this paper summarized the types and regulating effects of existing storage and drainage measures in small watershed. This paper also sorted the methods and objectives in existing layout of storage and drainage measures, and analyzed their shortcomings and challenges.[Results] 1) Storage and drainage measures can be divided into intercepting, diversion, storage and drainage measures, which have different ways and effects on runoff regulation. It is necessary to optimize the layout of storage and drainage measures in order to effectively control rainfall runoff, achieve rainwater resource utilization and sustainable development in a small watershed. 2) The existing layout methods of storage and discharge measures mainly include experiential layout, multi-criteria decision making, machine learning and model simulation. However, in addition to empirical layout, other layout methods mostly focused on the optimal layout of intercepting and storage measures, and there was a lack of research on the optimal layout of diversion and drainage measures. 3) At present, there are some problems in the layout of storage and drainage measures, such as "insufficient cognition of layout mechanism and quantification of model simulation" "emphasizing storage and neglecting drainage, process separation and terminal treatment coexist". At the same time, it is faced with challenges of intensified contradiction between water supply and demand and the frequent occurrence of extreme climate events.[Conclusions] Therefore, the layout of storage and discharge measures should be based on the water cycle process under the contradiction between water supply and demand and extreme climatic events, and the characteristics of different dimensions such as time, space, process, factors and measures. Then the hydrologic and hydraulic model of small watershed and multi-objective constraint evaluation model of storage and drainage measures are established to provide technical support for constructing the network system of intercepting-diversion-storage-drainage. In this way, the effects of storage and drainage measures on the accumulation, storage, dispersion, and utilization of runoff can be realized, and the purpose of storage and drainage coordination and rainwater resources can be achieved. Finally, water resources shortage and rainstorm flood disaster will be alleviated, so as to improve the watershed's ability to cope with global climate change and human activities and promote the sustainable development of society, economy and ecology in small watershed.
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CHEN Yulan, HAN Jianqiao, JIAO Juying, XU Qian, CHEN Tongde, LI Jianjun, WANG Nan, BAI Leichao. A review on the layouts of rainwater storage and drainage measures in small watersheds. SSWC, 2023, 21(2): 132-143.
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