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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (4): 135-140    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.04.017
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国际档案统计领域前沿进展—《ISO 24083:2021信息与文献—档案统计国际标准》
国防大学政治学院 上海 200433
The Forefront of Progress in the Field of International Archives Statistics:ISO 24083:2021 Information and documentation—International archives statistics
CUI Ping,YANG Anlian,CHENG Yanyan
Political College, National Defense University, Shanghai 200433
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2021年,国际标准化组织(ISO)发布了针对档案统计工作的首个标准—《ISO 24083:2021信息与文献—档案统计国际标准》,该国际标准为世界各级各类档案机构的档案统计工作提供了最佳实践和标准化依据。本文阐释了该国际标准的主要内容,深入分析了其宏观与微观层面的全面性、数字时代的前沿性、数量与质量的统一性等特点,并结合我国档案统计工作相关制度内容,分析了其对我国档案统计工作及相关制度完善带来的启示。

关键词 档案统计档案统计标准统计指标    

The International Organization for Standardization published the first international standard for archives statistics—ISO 24083:2021 Information and documentation—International archives statistics in 2021,which provides the best practice and standardized criteria for archives statistics work of all kinds of archives communities at all levels in the world. The authors elucidate the content of this international standard, and deeply analyze its characteristics: the comprehensiveness from the macro and micro of view, the advancing research in the digital age, the unity of quantity and quality, etc. Then taking account of the content of relevant regulation of our archives statistics work, the authors analyze the enlightenment of this international standard to our archives statistics work and the improvement of relevant regulation.

Key wordsarchives statistics    archives statistics standard    statistical target
出版日期: 2023-08-28

崔屏, 杨安莲, 程妍妍. 国际档案统计领域前沿进展—《ISO 24083:2021信息与文献—档案统计国际标准》[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(4): 135-140.
CUI Ping, YANG Anlian, CHENG Yanyan. The Forefront of Progress in the Field of International Archives Statistics:ISO 24083:2021 Information and documentation—International archives statistics. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(4): 135-140.

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