The Review of The Relationship Between Post-custodial Theory and Records Continuum
ZHANG Yan1, 2, HUANG Qingchen1, 2
1. Department of Library, Information and Archives, Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444; 2. Institute for Cross-Straits Archives and Documents, Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444
Abstract: At present,there are still differences in academic circles on the relationship between the post-custodial theory and records continuum. Clarifying the relationship between the two is of great significance to the development and trend of the basic theory of archival science in the era of electronic documents. This paper uses comparative research method to analyze the similarities between the two in four aspects ideological background,practical background, social background and theoretical focus,and then analyzes the differences between the two in concept level and application scope,so as to re-examine the relationship between post-custodial theory and records continuum,and propose that records continuum is the enrichment and perfection of the content of post-custodial theory.
ZHANG Yan, HUANG Qingchen. The Review of The Relationship Between Post-custodial Theory and Records Continuum. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(1): 25-31.
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