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档案学研究  2018, Vol. 32 Issue (6): 35-39    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2018.06.006
  档案法规标准 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
陈忠海1, 刘东斌2
1 郑州大学信息管理学院 郑州 450001
2 濮阳市档案局 濮阳 4750004
Discussion on the definition method of Archives and its generic concept in laws and regulations
Zhonghai CHEN1, Dongbin LIU2
1 School of Information Management,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou,450001
2 The municipal archives administration of Puyang,Puyang,4750004
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Combing the definition methods of the archives, documents, records, data and other generic concept of archives in the laws and regulations. It is considered that the concept of archives and its generic concept in the present“Archives Law”and the“Measures for the implementation of the Archives Law”are not in accord with the scope of specific things they refer to. However the method of defining archives in the“Revised draft of the Archives Law of the people’s Republic of China (submitted for review) ”has solved this problem well. It has been proved that the method of defining the concept of illustrative archives in laws and regulations is more in line with the legislative technical specifications and social reality needs than the method of defining the concept of the definition of archives. At the same time, the concept of archives in other laws and regulations should not be exactly the same as the concept of archives in the Archives Law, but should adopt the method of induction, extraction and generalization to make it more in line with the reality of the normative object. In order to enrich the concept of archives in the legal system.

出版日期: 2019-01-09

陈忠海, 刘东斌. 法律法规中档案及其属概念界定方法探讨[J]. 档案学研究, 2018, 32(6): 35-39.
Zhonghai CHEN, Dongbin LIU. Discussion on the definition method of Archives and its generic concept in laws and regulations. Archives Science Study, 2018, 32(6): 35-39.

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