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档案学研究  2017, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 114-119    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2017.04.020
云南大学历史与档案学院 昆明 650091
Introduction of Aboriginal Archives Guide and Its Enlightenment to China
Liyun HU
School of History and Archive Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091
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In order to promote and enhance the construction of aboriginal archives, the Association of Canadian Archivists set up the Special Interest Section on Aboriginal Archives and published the Aboriginal Archives Guide in 2007. The purpose of this Guide is to provide professional guidance for the aboriginal communities to construct their own archives along with the cooperation with relevant institutions. There are 12 items in the Guide, which include the characteristics and values of aboriginal archives, the construction of local archives projects, the related rights and obligations, and electronic archives, together with nine appendices, which provide relevant vocabulary, sample working papers and archival resources. The Guide emphasizes the archives building in local communities, pays attention to the role of local archivists, advocates the uniqueness of aboriginal archives construction, and stresses the oral history/oral traditions in aboriginal archives. The Aboriginal Archives Guide can provide reference for the construction of ethnic archives in China in the following aspects: emphasizing the diversity of ethnic archives resources; making project plans of ethnic archives project; promoting digital construction of ethnic archives; carrying out professional education in various ways, etc.

出版日期: 2017-11-30
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胡立耘. 加拿大《本土民族档案指南》简介及其启示[J]. 档案学研究, 2017, 31(4): 114-119.

Liyun HU. Introduction of Aboriginal Archives Guide and Its Enlightenment to China. Archives Science Study, 2017, 31(4): 114-119.


[1] Association of Canadian Archivists. Aboriginal Archives Guide[M]. Public Awareness Committee2007; Canadian Church Historical Society Occasional Paper No. 8.
[2] Library and Archives Canada. ARCHIVED-Aboriginal Documentary Heritage[EB/OL]. [2016-11-10]. .
[3] FirstVoices[EB/OL].[2016-11-10]. .
[4] National Aboriginal Document Database[EB/OL].[2016-11-10]. .
[5] Métis National Council Historical Online Database[EB/OL].[2016-11-10]. .
[6] National Gallery of Canada. Inuit Artists’ Print Database[EB/OL]. [2016-11-10]. .
[7] Canadian Nutrient File[EB/OL]. [2016-11-10]. .
[8] Aboriginal Voice[EB/OL].[2016-11-10]..
[9] Indigenous Studies Portal[EB/OL]. [2016-11-10]. .
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