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档案学研究  2016, Vol. 30 Issue (4): 30-35    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2016.04.006
贺德方, 曾建勋
中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038
Rediscussion on the Difference Between Science and Technology Report and Science and Technology Archives——Reply to HE Zhen and LI Mingxuan
Defang HE, Jianxun ZENG
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,Beijing,100038
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关键词: 科技报告科技档案中国科技报告体系    

For the purpose of accumulation, dissemination and exchange, the scientific and technology report is prepared in accordance with a predetermined format, and is referred to as a complete and true scientific literature, which is to reflect the technical content and lessons learned from the process and results of research activities. This is exactly to make up for a lack of technical content of the original scientific and technology archives. As two different concepts, scientific and technology report and scientific and technology archives have their different nature attributes. Based on existing science and technology management system, the Chinese scientific and technical report system is to build as the national unified system for submission, collection, management and sharing, which will facilitate the management and use of technology strategic information resources. In addition, the policies and regulations of Chinese scientific and technical report system are consistent with the laws and regulations of science and technology management system, and the standards of Chinese scientific and technical report system will promote compatibility and harmonization between the relevant national standards.

Key words: Scientific and Technology Report    Scientific and Technology Archives    Chinese Science and Technology Report System
出版日期: 2017-11-17
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贺德方, 曾建勋. 再论科技报告与科技档案的区别——与“也谈科技报告与科技档案的区别”的作者商榷[J]. 档案学研究, 2016, 30(4): 30-35.

Defang HE, Jianxun ZENG. Rediscussion on the Difference Between Science and Technology Report and Science and Technology Archives——Reply to HE Zhen and LI Mingxuan. Archives Science Study, 2016, 30(4): 30-35.


抽象方式 发生方式
差异 外延大;内涵小 外延小;内涵大
较强的理论性 较强的实践性
表述抽象,不易理解 表述具体,易于理解
表1  两种定义方式的差异
术语 定义出处 定义方式 区别特征
科技报告 国家标准:GB/T7713.3-2014《科技报告编写规则》 抽象方式 ①科研人员按照一定格式撰写;②内容真实、详尽;③目的在于交流、传播和共享。
科技档案 法律法规文件:
发生方式 ①原始记录;②归档保存;③备查考的历史凭证。
表2  科技报告与科技档案的区别特征
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